E-Mail Exchange: UAI (Anand), Mia, Illegal adoption project update 30 March

1 April 2016

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Van: UAI - Anand Kaper

Date: vr 1 apr. 2016 21:00

Subject: Fwd: illegal adoption project update 30 March

To: UAI - Chamila Kwakernaak , Hilbrand Westra


Met vriendelijke groet | Kind regards | Cordialement | Mit freundlichen Grüssen | Cordialemente | Con cordial saludo,

Anand Kaper | ????? ????

Secretary General UAI | South Asia and Internal Affairs

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From: Mia Dambach

Date: 2016-03-30 20:40 GMT+02:00

Subject: illegal adoption project update 30 March

To: Mia Dambach

Cc: "David Smolin (dmsmolin@gmail.com)" , "'Nigel Cantwell' (cantabene@gmail.com)" , Cecile Jeannin , "Christina B. Baglietto (christina_baglietto@hotmail.com)"

Dear colleagues

Hope this email finds you well. Just wanted to update you on the illegal adoption project – the design team is now working on the various chapters. Christina has done an amazing job on the final edits of the almost 200 page publication. We plan to launch the handbook in April, as early as possible. You will of course be the first to receive an electronic copy.

A joint foreword has been prepared by the CRC Committee Chairperson and UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. I am very excited that the Special Rapporteur will be presenting her thematic report on illegal adoptions to the Human Rights Council this year, which will again give attention to this much needed theme.

Will be in touch in the very near future and in the meantime, wishing you a lovely rest of the week

Warmest wishes


Mia Dambach

Director – International Reference Centre

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01

E-mail: mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org

Website: www.iss-ssi.org

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Protecting children and uniting families across borders for 92 years

Protéger les enfants et réunir les familles au-delà des frontières depuis 92 ans

Proteger a los niños y reunir a las familias más allá de las fronteras desde hace 92 anõs

De : Mia Dambach

Envoyé : vendredi 12 février 2016 22:29

À : 'mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org'

Cc : David Smolin (dmsmolin@gmail.com); ''Nigel Cantwell' (cantabene@gmail.com)'; cecile jeannin (cecile.jeannin@iss-ssi.org); 'Christina B. Baglietto (christina_baglietto@hotmail.com)'

Objet : TR: illegal adoption project update

Importance : Haute

Dear colleagues

Hope this email finds you well having started 2016 wonderfully (for those I have not been in prior contact with). As per my email below, Nigel has worked on “lightening” up the handbook to make it as accessible as possible. I will be eternally grateful for his perserrvering efforts of editing work of 170 pages.

So that we are all on the same page:

· If there has been any major issues concerning content, I have endeavoured to contact the authors to find the most suitable way forward.

· Regarding “lightening” edits, I have for the most part deferred to Nigel’s decades of writing in international contexts and accepted his suggestions. The consequent chapters are attached.

· Christina Baglietto will start the next and final phase of editing next week (e.g.: consistency in footnotes, terminology, English English etc. )

· The publication will then be sent to the design team in early March and for translation into French (we are still looking for funding into Spanish)

· Launch will be in late March/early April for the English

The purpose of this email is to give you one final opportunity to identify any “red line” issues as to why your contribution cannot be published as is. If this unlikely situation arises, I would kindly request that you provide a concrete proposal for a potential solution by 18 Feb. At this almost completed stage of finalising this initiative (more than a year of collaboration), the editing committee would not be in a position to consider “word smithing, nice to haves” as this would in our view have little value added to the overall finalisation of this initiative. As I said Christina will work on consistency of terminology etc, so this should also not be commented upon. Likewise, I would also respectfully ask that you refrain from reading other contributions at this stage, as well as not circulate the attached documents without our prior approval. We thank you for your understanding.

To end, I would like to thank you all again for your commitment and patience with this publication. It has been an honour for me to work with you on this worthy initiative that provides concrete hope to many facing difficult truths.

In the meantime, I wish you a lovely weekend

Warmest regards

Mia on behalf of the editing committee

(Nigel, Christina and myself)

Mia Dambach

Director – International Reference Centre

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01

E-mail: mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org

Website: www.iss-ssi.org

Protecting children and uniting families across borders since 90 years!

Protéger les enfants et réunir les familles au-delà des frontières depuis 90 ans !

Proteger a los niños y reunir a las familias más allá de las fronteras desde 90 años !

De : Mia Dambach

Envoyé : jeudi 17 décembre 2015 22:30

À : 'mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org'

Cc : David Smolin (dmsmolin@gmail.com); ''Nigel Cantwell' (cantabene@gmail.com)'; 'Christina B. Baglietto (christina_baglietto@hotmail.com)'; cecile jeannin (cecile.jeannin@iss-ssi.org)

Objet : TR: illegal adoption project update

Me again – I omitted to say that I will of course give you one final opportunity to see your contribution before it goes to print. The purpose of this would not be to re-open for drafting and editing, as this has largely occurred in 2015, but would be solely to identify any “red line” issues that you would absolutely not be comfortable with printing with your name. I trust that the occurence of this situation would be extremely limited.

Looking forward to having a finalised version of this extremely important resource – thanks to your contributions.

Warmest regards


Mia Dambach

Acting Director – International Reference Centre

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01

E-mail: mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org

Website: www.iss-ssi.org

Protecting children and uniting families across borders since 90 years!

Protéger les enfants et réunir les familles au-delà des frontières depuis 90 ans !

Proteger a los niños y reunir a las familias más allá de las fronteras desde 90 años !

De : Mia Dambach

Envoyé : jeudi 17 décembre 2015 22:04

À : 'mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org'

Cc : David Smolin (dmsmolin@gmail.com); ''Nigel Cantwell' (cantabene@gmail.com)'; 'Christina B. Baglietto (christina_baglietto@hotmail.com)'; cecile jeannin (cecile.jeannin@iss-ssi.org)

Objet : illegal adoption project update

Dear colleagues

Hope this email finds you well. As we approach the end of the year, I just wanted to provide you with a short update on the status of the “illegal adoption project” that you have generously contributed to by way of experience, expertise and time. Attached is a draft contents page of all the contributions.

Whilst I had hoped to have a very first draft of all the contributions by September and launched by now, this was not possible for a number of reasons. However I am pleased to let you know that I have now received all pending contributions – which were definitely worth the wait - and Professor David Smolin is currently drafting the conclusions (although he is still waiting for a couple to be translated into English to finalise his piece).

In parallel, Nigel Cantwell* has kindly agreed to edit the entire publication (160 pages) as contributions may need to be "lightened up" and ensure consistency. Unless there is a proposed significant change to content – in which case I would contact you for your prior approval – I would gently request that you trust your piece in the hands of Nigel as well as ISS to ensure that we have the most useful resource as possible. The publication will be edited once more for footnotes, references, hyperlinks etc by Christina Baglietto in January. Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur (CRC Committee chairperson) has agreed to write the foreword.

Once all these steps have been undertaken, ISS would be aiming to publish the final document in English in March and in Spanish and French later on in the year. I will of course keep you updated with the launch date.

In the meantime, thank you again for your collaboration with this project and wishing you a lovely festive season

Warmest regards


* Ps. For those who do not know Nigel, which I doubt in the small intercountry adoption world – please see page iii “about the author” at http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/unicef%20best%20interest%20document_web_re-supply.pdf – which I trust will give you solid assurance that your contribution is in very capable hands.

Mia Dambach

Acting Director – International Reference Centre

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01

E-mail: mia.dambach@iss-ssi.org

Website: www.iss-ssi.org

Protecting children and uniting families across borders since 90 years!

Protéger les enfants et réunir les familles au-delà des frontières depuis 90 ans !

Proteger a los niños y reunir a las familias más allá de las fronteras desde 90 años !