Forum: Vali Nas - swindler, imposter

11 May 2006






From: "jadams_11" <jadams_11@...> 
Date: Thu May 11, 2006  2:45 am 
Subject: Vali Nash a clever swindler, impostor doing business with adoption

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To all members: Do you think you know this swindler Vali Nash who writting over and over again so many messages about re-opening international adoption from Romania? Did you ever read about Romanian International Adoption Mafia and how they use to make billions and billions dollars profit from selling children abroad? Here you go, Ladies and Gentlemen: From: valentin_nash Date: Thu May 11, 2006 3:13 am
Copiii nu mai aratau a fiinte omenesti, iar asternuturile lor erau indescriptibil de murdare, ca si peretii coscoviti ai incaperilor in care erau tinuti. Imediat am mutat acei copii in centre de plasament din Braila si doar dupa o saptamana de ingrijiri ei puteau sa stea asezati in pat si sa manance o hrana adecvata, cu lingurita. Acum acesti copii sunt intr-o stare buna si nici nu se mai poate face vreo comparatie cu starea in care au fost gasiti". Masura de salvare, intreprinsa de ANPDC, in colaboare cu UNICEF, fundatiile Motivation si Sera-Romania, a avut loc in octombrie 2005.
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From: "jadams_11" <jadams_11@...> 
Date: Thu May 11, 2006  3:01 am 
Subject: o all members: Vali Nash (aka Vali Tiganul) is a children salesman

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To all members of this group: Ladies and Gentlemen you have to be very careful with this son of a bitch by name Vali Nash, known as Vali Tiganul or Vali The Gipsy, as well. He lives in Rachmaninov Street nr. 11, Bucharest. This bastard is very clevel and he is just pretending he is doing lobby for the abandoned children. In fact, this very clever swindler and his wife Mariana, from Buzau, is working with the romanian international adoption Mafia in order to contact foreigners for selling children in order to make a good profit. Also, it seems than this s.o.b. is under romanian police surveillance. 

From: valentin_nash 
Date: Thu May 11, 2006  2:13 am 
Subject: Oferim servicii de intermediere adoptii internationale la pret convenabil
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Nu uitati in curind, cu ocazia redeschiderii adoptiilor internationale, va oferim la un pret convenabil serviciile noastre pentru intermedierea adoptiilor internationale. Adresa noastra: Str. Rahmaninov nr.11, Sector 2, Bucuresti Tel: 021 223 7193  mobil: 722 942 862 Vali Nas zis si Vali Tiganul