UNICEF: Many children not to Denmark

27 November 2012

UNICEF: Many children not to Denmark
27th November 2012 at. 09:50 Updated 27th November 2012 at. 10:06 Parents get the impression that their children will come back one day and that they will be able to follow their development in Denmark. But it happens ikke.Foto: from documentary adoption come Price © TV2
. Posted by:
Katja Sønder Tuxen

If the adoption of children from other countries should not end in tragedy, we need to focus on that adoption should always be in the child's best interests and no one else.

It says Secretary General of UNICEF, Steen M. Andersen in P1 morning after TV2 documentary adoption come price, which was shown on Monday night.

- Is adoption in the child's interest or it is not in the child's interest? It is the only thing that will decide whether to find adoption takes place or not. Not if it's the parents, not the government, not whether it is in the orphanage or adoption agency interest, says Steen M. Andersen.

Ends in tragedy
In the film we see how the HIV-infected parents reluctantly becomes persuaded to disregard adopt their two children, aged two and four years on promises that they would follow the children's development in Denmark.

But especially the oldest girl Masho found not to be linked to the Danish parents, and therefore ends up family life as a nightmare and Masho sent to the end of the orphanage.

- In this case there is no doubt that the adoption was in the child's interest, says Steen M. Andersen.

Let the child be nearby
Steen M. Andersen stresses that many adopted children come into good, loving families where things are going well.

But in many cases, you should consider whether it is not better is in the child's interest, if it is not going to live in so foreign a country like Denmark.

- One should first look at whether there are others who can take care of the baby nearby before choosing to disregard adopt a completely different country. It can be either in the extended family or a foster family, or it could be adoption within the country, so the child does not also exposed to culture clashes, says Steen M. Andersen.

Culture clash is particularly evident in the adoption come price because it looks as if the parents get the impression that their children just to be looked after by some others who will take good care of them and give them an education, but they will come back to Ethiopia again .

Lifting Bridal
But the promise that they will be allowed to follow the children's development are not met, and in general it seems that they have not known exactly what they were getting into when they said yes available for adoption.

It has got several politicians to talk about human beings and raises the question of whether there was in any way economic interests involved in adoption proceedings.

Read the Political outrage at adoption case

- According to the so-called Hague Convention, there shall be no financial interest in adoption. So in addition to the costs that are for aircraft and dissemination, there must not be a profit on the bottom line. But Ethiopia has not acceded to the Convention, therefore, was to be the private agencies working in Ethiopia to be even more vigilant than they should, says Steen M. Andersen.

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Unicef: Mange børn skal slet ikke til Danmark

27. Nov. 2012 kl. 09:50 Opdateret 27. Nov. 2012 kl. 10:06

Forældrene får det indtryk, at deres børn vil komme tilbage en dag og at de vil kunne følge deres udvikling i Danmark. Men det sker ikke.Foto: fra Dokumentaren Adoptionens Pris © TV2

Hvis adoption af børn fra andre lande ikke skal ende i tragedier, er vi nødt til at fokusere på, at adoption altid skal være i barnets tarv og ingen andres.

Det siger generalsekretær i Unicef, Steen M. Andersen i P1 Morgen efter TV2 dokumentaren Adoptionens Pris, som blev vist mandag aften.

- Er adoption i barnets interesse eller er det ikke i barnets interesse? Det er det eneste, der skal afgøre, om der skal finde adoption sted eller ej. Ikke om det er forældrenes, ikke om det er regeringens, ikke om det er i børnehjemmets eller adoptionsbureauets interesse, siger Steen M. Andersen.

Ender i tragedie

I filmen ser vi, hvordan de hiv-syge forældre modvilligt bliver overtalt til at bortadoptere deres to børn på to og fire år mod løfter om, at de vil kunne følge børnenes udvikling i Danmark.

Men særligt den ældste pige Masho viser sig ikke at kunne knytte sig til de danske forældre, og derfor ender familielivet som et mareridt og Masho sendes til sidst på børnehjem.

- I det her tilfælde er der ingen tvivl om, at adoption ikke var i barnets interesse, siger Steen M. Andersen.

Lad barnet blive i nærområdet

Steen M. Andersen understreger, at mange adopterede børn kommer ind i gode, kærlige familier, hvor det går godt.

Men i mange tilfælde bør man undersøge, om det ikke hellere er i barnets interesse, hvis det slet ikke skal bo i så fremmed et land som Danmark.

- Man bør først se på, om der er andre, der kan tage sig af barnet i nærområdet, inden man vælger at bortadoptere til et helt andet land. Det kan enten være i den udvidede familie eller en plejefamilie, eller det kan være adoption inden for landets grænser, så barnet ikke også udsættes for kultursammenstød, siger Steen M. Andersen.

Kultursammenstødet bliver særligt tydeligt i Adoptionens pris, fordi det ser ud som om forældrene får det indtryk, at deres børn bare skal passes af nogle andre, som vil sørge godt for dem og give dem en uddannelse, men at de vil komme hjem til Etiopien igen.


Men løftet om at de vil få lov til at følge børnenes udvikling bliver ikke holdt, og i det hele taget ser det ud til, at de ikke har vidst præcist, hvad de gik ind til, da de sagde ja til bortadoption.

Det har fået flere politikere til at tale om menneskehandel og rejser spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt der på nogen måde var økonomiske interesser indblandet i adoptionssagen.

- Ifølge den såkaldte Haager-konvention må der ikke være økonomiske interesser i adoption. Så ud over de omkostninger der er til fly og formidling, må der ikke være et overskud på bundlinien. Men Etiopien har ikke tilsluttet sig konventionen, derfor var skal de private bureauer, der arbejder i Etiopien være endnu mere på vagt, end de ellers skal, siger Steen M. Andersen.

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