EU Affairs Minister Birchall: Romania - child protection best practice model to UNICEF

2 May 2017

EU Affairs Minister Birchall: Romania - child protection best practice model to UNICEF

2 Mai 2017, 18:35 • ENGLISH


Romania is one of the Central and Eastern European countries UNICEF relies on, and in this respect the United Nations Children's Fund has invited Romania to increase its involvement in efforts to improve the situation of children in various states in this region.

According to a Foreign Ministry release, the subject was discussed Tuesday during the meeting of Minister Delegate for European Affairs Ana Birchall with UNICEF Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Afshan Khan. UNICEF representative in Romania Sandie Blanchet and UNICEF Romania Communication and Fund Raising Manager Despina Andrei also attended the meeting.

"We found that to UNICEF, Romania is a best practice model in the field of child rights protection, and this can only be a reason of joy to us, motivating us to get even more involved in this field and share our experience to other countries too," Ana Birchall said at the end of the meeting.

The Minister delegate voiced particular appreciation for UNICEF activities in Romania and underscored the importance of continuing the successful projects unfolded so far under the new Country Program (2018-2022).

Regarding future cooperation prospects between Romania and UNICEF through the new Country Program 2018 — 2022, the Minister Delegate for European Affairs said that the prerequisites for cooperation will focus on continuing joint efforts to speed up and support social and structural reforms, especially in the field of human rights and on the identification and sharing of best practices in Romania, as well as in other states in the region.

"As an emerging donor state, Romania is also ready to take on new responsibilities in supporting the countries that need our experience and expertise. We are counting on UNICEF's continued support for the promotion and dissemination of our jointly gathered experience," added Ana Birchall.AGERPRES(RO — author: Oana Ghita, editor: Georgiana Tanasescu; EN — author: Simona Klodnischi, editor: Maria Voican; online editor: Maria Voican)