Social Worker Busted For Selling Babies

4 April 2011

Social Worker Busted For Selling Babies

Monday, April 04, 2011 | Comments: 3

Social worker Sharon Mushokabanji has been busted for selling orphaned children for adoption, reports Jacques Pauw for the City Press.

Mushokabanji has since been dismissed for fraud after it emerged that she had faked her qualifications and registration with the Council for Social Service Professions. She was found by her employer, Child Welfare, to have charged illegal “adoption fees” ranging between R400 and R6,000.

City Press reports that it has obtained paperwork verifying the fraud and that police have launched an investigation into a potential child-trafficking and adoption syndicate. Mushokabanji has denied the charges and even alleged to have information on Child Welfare that she offered the City Press in return for them suppressing the story.

She also alleged that she had been receiving threats since the story broke.