Letter DG JUST to ACT: Hague is not acquis. UNCRC = acquis, but not in legal sense

11 December 2013

From: JUST-CHARTE@ec.europa.eu [mailto:JUST-CHARTE@ec.europa.eu]

Sent: Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013 10:58

To: arun.dohle@gmx.de

Subject: Reply to your letter addressed to the European Commission_Ares(2013)3694510

Please find attached a reply to correspondence to the European Commission.

Enclosure: Version 1.3 of EU acquis on rights of the child


Kind regards,

Secretariat C1

European Commission

DG Justice

Unit C1

Mo 59 05/75

B-1049 Brussels/Belgium


Fundamental Rights on Europa: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/fundamental-rights/index_en.htm

EU children's rights website: http://ec.europa.eu/0-18/
