2nd Mail to the European Commission by A. Dohle

16 June 2016

Letter from Against Child Trafficking

made public 15 January 2019

DG HR Unit E.1

European Civil Service Law and Social Dialogue (Roques)


From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arundohle@gmail.com]

Sent: Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016 14:58

To: president.juncker@ec.europa.eu; federica.mogherini@ec.europa.eu; frans-timmermans-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-georgieva-webpage@ec.europa.eu; cab-ansip-web@ec.europa.eu; cab-sefcovic-web@ec.europa.eu; cab-dombrovskis-contact@ec.europa.eu; jyrki-katainen-contact@ec.europa.eu; guenther-oettinger-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-hahn-contacts@ec.europa.eu; cecilia-malmstrom-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-mimica-webpage@ec.europa.eu; cab-arias-canete-archives@ec.europa.eu; cab-karmenu-vella-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-andriukaitis-webpage@ec.europa.eu; dimitris.avramopoulos@ec.europa.eu; cab-thyssen@ec.europa.eu; cab-moscovici-webpage@ec.europa.eu; christos.stylianides@ec.europa.eu; phil.hogan@ec.europa.eu; cab-hill-contact@ec.europa.eu; Violeta.Bulc@ec.europa.eu; elzbieta.bienkowska@ec.europa.eu; vera-jourova-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-navracsics-contact@ec.europa.eu; corina-cretu-contact@ec.europa.eu; margrethe-vestager-contact@ec.europa.eu; cab-moedas-contact@ec.europa.eu

Subject: RE: Open Letter

Dear Members of the European Commission,

On 16.05.2016 I sent all members of the European Commission an open letter about the situation of the whistle-blower Mrs. Roelie Post.

Within a week I received an email from the assistant of the Commission’s Mediator informing me that the Mediator’s office would contact Mrs. Post. I then called him and informed him that Mrs. Post has no access to her Commission email and that’s she is living in hiding. I suggested him to contact either the Medical Service or DG NEAR, as both have her private email address.

Few days back, I asked my former colleague Mrs. Post whether she was contacted by the Mediator. Her reply was: “no”.


In my letter I indeed asked for a solution of a personnel matter. But, I also informed you about the broader issue: the way children’s rights were dealt with by the previous Commissions. That needs to be repaired.

I wrote to you as a matter of last resort and sincerely expect the College to deal with the issue and not the Commission services.

The Secretary General organised the secondment of Mrs Post to ACT. The Mediation Service is situated within the Secretariat General. On top of that, the Deputy Secretary General was responsible for DG JUST during the time when the irregularities took place (Director and acting Director General). So there is a double conflict of interest.

The below video is just one of the many examples of the proof we have: here in this video from the EP Petition meeting in 2011. It is clear that DG JUST acted as advocate for the “lobby”:


Children´s rights are a technical issue. However the issue has been politicised by the European institutions, leading now to this situation for Mrs. Post. The two issues are inseparably linked.

It is not just a “personnel matter”, which can be thrown back to the lowest levels of the Commission services.

Please confirm receipt of this mail individually. I take note that I did not get any confirmation of receipt for my first email, apart from an automatic reply of the Cabinet Hahn.

Yours sincerely,