Martin Selmayr Documents Title Publication dateVerkiezingen voorbij. EU & Timmerfrans gaan verder met klokkenluider Roelie Post kapotmaken 8 July 2019Arun Dohle to Selmayr/Timmermans. Subject: Failed: Mrs. Roelie Post / Duty of care/ Your e-mail of 29 April 5 July 2019Dennis de Jong spoke to Selmayr: positive 12 February 20192nd Mail to the European Commission by A. Dohle 16 June 2016AD - Open Letter to European Commission 16 May 2016AD to Juncker: Subject: Children for Sale: Adoptions from the Balkans / Eastern Europe 19 November 2014COM HIGH LEVEL MEETING 'Lessons Learned from Romania/Legacy of the Romanian Orphans' (debriefing) Roelie must do smt else 16 July 2013