COM HIGH LEVEL MEETING 'Lessons Learned from Romania/Legacy of the Romanian Orphans' (debriefing) Roelie must do smt else

16 July 2013

Gago = Head of Cabinet DG EMPL

Selmayr = Head of Cabinet DG JUSTICE

Le Bail = Director General DG JUSTICE

Mordue = Head of Cabinet DG ENLARGEMENTT (NEAR)

Korte = Director General (acting) DG ENLARGEMENT/NEAR

Day = Secretary General (organiser of the meeting)

See Ask the EU about this High Level Meeting

Director General called her about it the next day.

DG of EMPL was not there (on holiday?)

But Head of Cabinet passed the message that about the SERA contract nothing can be done. Full responsibility of RO.

In total contradiction with that, the following was discussed:

How to prevent such things in future.

After holidays K will have to prepare a full file on RO children.

This needs to be send to Margaret Tuite, the children coordinator of DG JUST.

She will then be the contact point on this issue.

SM will then have an INFORMAL working lunch with staff of the line DGs who deal with children. To explain lesson's learned (????)

CD will inform DG DEVCO and ECHO about the same (????)

K said: strange that SM/CD take the lead again.

If RP would still be here, we would not be in such a mess now.

This is the central issue and next year ELARG will have to deal with that.

DG (Joost Korte) said: he could have a coffee with RP

But file needs to be dealt with as normal issue.

Should not become someone's life.

She (RP) should do something else.
