Arun Dohle to Selmayr/Timmermans. Subject: Failed: Mrs. Roelie Post / Duty of care/ Your e-mail of 29 April

5 July 2019

From: Arun Dohle []

Sent: Freitag, 5. Juli 2019 16:57



Subject: Faled: Mrs. Roelie Post / Duty of care/ Your e-mail of 29 April

Dear Mr. Selmayr,

Dear Mr. Timmermans,

We were just informed that DG Budget blocked the payment to Ms. Post, although it seems now to be unblocked.

Ms. Post was again mistreated by your services. What was promised to her, was that the debts will be spread over 10 or 20 years.

Further that she would receive the payment of her pension retroactively.

With the back to the wall, as she of course is in debts as the COM stopped her income in 2016, she agreed to make a request for early retirement on instructions of Mr. Roques.

This is crystal clear. You abused her trust, cheated and tricked her into early retirement while leaving her with nothing more than a minimum subsistence, making any kind of life next to impossible.

I d like to re-iterate, that your predecessor Catherine Day instructed Ms. Post to set up Against Child Trafficking. We did brief the COM continuesly on Child Rights and Adoption issues as Ms. Post was in the interest of the services seconded to ACT.

What the COM did however was financing the Adoption Mafia / Lobby and made a U turn on childrenĀ“s rights. Departing from the UNCRC.

The result of this wrongful policy is this current new Romanian Adoption Scandal.

Residential Care, Foster Care are now longer in Europe considered acceptable. Thus this girl was adopted by americans, then forcibly removed from her foster carers.

By police force.

This is the underlying issue. Child Trafficking. Gross Child Rights violations.

Europe s children on a market for the US.

That is the reason you destroy Ms. PostĀ“s life and career.

The minimum you can do is to stick to the promises which were made to her.


Arun Dohle