Boonyoung Han
Boonyoung Han
Ph.D. student in Social Welfare
Seoul National University

Boonyoung Han is currently a Ph.D. student in Social Welfare at Seoul National University. From 2013 to 2020 she worked as an Assistant Professor of Scandinavian Languages at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Trained in Korean Studies and Social Welfare her research interests include adoption, adoption legislation, policy implementation, program evaluation, social delivery, child welfare policy, welfare state, life satisfaction, and unwed mothers.
Boonyoung is an active member of the adoptee community in Korea. She has extensive experience as an activist and does adoptee- or social welfare-related work for a number of groups and organizations. She is currently on the Advisory Board of KoRoot Guest House (a guest house for adoptees in Seoul), a caseworker for the National Center for Rights of the Child, a member of the Child Rights Forum, and the organizer of the Adoptee Adoption Policy Group. She was the Managing Director of Adoptees for Justice Korea (2019-2020), on the Board of Directors of Korean Adoption Service (2019), and a conference coordinator for the 1st Adoption Truths Day (September 2020), 5th International Research Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies (July 2019), and Unwed Mother's Day (May 2019).
2017. Indledning: Transnational Adoption [Introduction: Transnational Adoption]. Social Politik, 1: 1-2.
2017. Evaluering af adoptionsprocessen [Evaluating the adoption process]. Social Politik, 1, 3-6.
2017. Adoptionsnævnet på tilsynsrejse i Sydkorea [Central Adoption Authority Monitoring South Korea]. Social Politik, 1, 26-30.
2016. Transnational adoption: Tilsyn med hvad? [Transnational adoption: Monitoring what?]. Social Politik, 4, 36-37.
2015. Societal and social experiences of unwed Korean mothers who rear their children. Affilia, 30 (1): 54-67.
2015. Child Abuse and State Intervention: The Danish Case Tøndersagen. Scandinavian Studies, 16: 227-254.
2014. Adoptionshistoriens Koreanske Babyboks [The Adoption History’s Korean Babybox]. Social Kritik, 137: 32-41.
2012. Perceptions of Birth Family Search: Interviews with Adult Overseas Korean Adoptees about Post-adoption Services.
Studies of Korean Abroad, 26: 41-75.