Elizabeth Pangalangan

Professor Aguiling-Pangalangan is a full Professor of the University of the Philippines College of Law and the Director of the Institute of Human Rights of the UP Law Center.

She obtained her A.B. (1978) and LL.B. (1983) at the University of the Philippines Diliman, and her Master of Laws degree (1989) from Harvard Law School (HLS). She was a fellow of the International Family Planning Leadership Program at the University of California Sta. Cruz (2005), and a Visiting Scholar (1997-98) and Research Fellow (2007) at the East Asian Legal Studies Program of HLS.

For the past 25 years, Professor Aguiling-Pangalangan has taught Persons and Family Relations, Conflict of Laws, Child’s Rights, Contracts, Agency, Partnership, Legal Ethics and Bioethics. She has lectured at the Leiden University Law School’s Advance Masterclass in Human Rights, and Summer School on Children’s Rights (2019), and was part of the Faculty Panel of the Masterclass for Migration at the University of Antwerp Faculty of Law (2018). She has served the University as Executive Director of the U.P. Center for Integrative and Development Studies (2007-2009).

Prof. Aguiling-Pangalangan has authored several books including Marriage and Unmarried Cohabitation: The Rights of Husbands, Wives and Lovers, Not Bone of My Bone But Still My Own: A Treatise on the Philippine Law on Adoption; Conflict of Laws: Cases Materials and Comments (co-authored with Justice Jorge Coquia), and Towards Better Enforcement of the Decisions of the UN and other International and Regional Human Rights Bodies (co-authored with Atty. Daniel Lising). She has been published by Cambridge University Press, Routledge Law and Kluwer Law International.

She is a member of the Hague Conference of Private International Law (HCCH) Experts’ Group on Parentage and Surrogacy, and the Special Commission on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments. She attended The Hague Academy of International Law on a scholarship in 1997 and lectured in its Extension Programme in 2003. Professor Aguiling-Pangalangan drafted the Domestic Adoption Act of 1998, and was a member of the drafting committee of the implementing rules and regulations of the Magna Carta of Women (2010) and the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law (2013). She was a consultant to the UN Women on CEDAW Based Legal Review of Migration and Trafficking Laws in the Philippines, the WHO on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the Department of Foreign Affairs on the Development of ASEAN Legal Instruments on Human Rights, and the Department of Social Welfare and Development on adoption and alternative child care, among others.