The woman is angry at herself for not being able to tell her mother to hug her [Finding the truth about 372 international adoptees]

29 October 2023

[Finding the truth about 372 international adoptees] Problems of international adoption reported by an adoptee

The woman is angry at the fact that she was unable to contact her biological parents while growing up. In the past, the growth environment was considered important. Over time, it has emerged that genes are just as important as the environment in which one grows up. Genes include not only appearance but also personality inherited from biological parents.

The woman is upset that she inherited her biological mother's personality. If a woman had inherited her biological father's personality, her life might have been easier.

She is angry with herself because she thinks life might have been easier if she had inherited her father's personality.

She is angry with herself for thinking that if the girl had had contact with her biological parents growing up, she might have had an easier life.

She is angry with herself for thinking that she might have had an easier life if she had been raised by her biological parents.

She is angry that she was not raised by her biological parents. Her life as a woman would have been different if she had been raised by people who looked like her. Concrete people with whom women can reflect on themselves. She still remembers Astri's surprise when she saw the woman with her third sister. Astri, she said, looked very similar in the way the woman and her third sister walked.

She is upset that she has never lived with her biological parents. The woman still remembers the day she slept in her biological parents' house. The woman looked at her biological mother, who was sleeping on the floor, for a long time.

She is angry at herself for missing the woman who sleeps with her biological mother. Now that she's thirty, it's not unusual for her to miss sleeping on the same mattress as her mother. When her woman expressed her own longing, Laurent asked her if it was okay for her to feel at ease, whether it was common or not. He added that it was not normal for her newborn to be separated from her mother.

The woman is angry with herself for missing her mother's embrace. It is not normal for her to miss her mother's embrace at the age of thirty.

She is a woman and she is upset that she has turned thirty. She thinks she wishes she had a baby as she is a woman. If a woman were a newborn baby, it would be very natural for her to be held in her mother's arms.

She is upset that it is not natural for her to be held in her mother's arms. For her mother, it would not be natural to hold her 30-year-old daughter in her arms. If it were natural, her mother would have hugged her too.

The woman is angry with herself for not being able to reconcile with her past.

She is angry at herself for not being able to tell a woman to hug her mother.

She is upset that it is not natural for a woman to tell her mother to hug her.

She is upset that it is not natural for a woman to ask even her father to hug her.

She is angry at herself for not being able to tell a woman to hug her father.

The woman is angry at her father for not hugging her.

She is upset that she misses the feeling she had when she was held in her father's arms.

She is angry at herself for not being able to heal the anger welling up in her heart sooner. She said the woman's adoptive mother was something she had not known before and she could not help it. She added that even if she had met Thich Nhat Hanh a year ago, things would not have been different. Because it is now that a woman recognizes the resentment built up in her heart and opens her heart to heal it.

The woman is angry at herself for not opening up sooner to heal the resentment built up in her heart. To put it a little exaggeratedly, she was a woman whose accumulated resentment almost brought her to the brink of death before she decided to heal it. If she hadn't been Andrew she might have died because she was so upset. She is grateful to Andrew, who recommended that she read the book Anger: Wisdom to Quiet Flames. In the book, you can also find Thich Nhat Hanh's quote that there is something to be gained by embracing her anger and caring for her well.

The woman is angry with Andrew, who told her that it would be helpful for her to read the book Anger: Wisdom to Quiet Flames.

In September 2022, 283 overseas adoptees submitted an investigation request to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to determine whether human rights were violated at the time of adoption. The number increased to 372 as additional applications were submitted twice on November 15th and December 9th. They requested an investigation into whether human rights were violated in the adoption process of overseas adoptees adopted from Korea to Denmark and around the world during the authoritarian period from the 1970s to the early 1990s, and whether there was any intervention by the government in that process. Fortunately, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission announced on December 8 that it had decided to open an investigation into 'human rights violations during the overseas adoption process', and on June 8, it announced the opening of an investigation into an additional 237 people. This is the first government-level investigation decision in 68 years since Korea began overseas adoption. <Pressian> plans to continue publishing articles written by overseas adoptees who have requested an investigation by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. editor

Maya Lee Langbad International Adoptee