Adopters, will you join us?

10 August 2023

Are you an adopter? Have the recent media stories about crime in the adoption system made you unsure of what really went on? Unsure whether you can trust your adoption papers?

For a long time, many adoptees have called for an investigation into the international adoption system, but I think it is time for us adopters to come forward. Our children have a right to know their history. And we have a right to know what kind of foundation our families are built on. 

Minister of Social Affairs and Housing Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil is not averse to an investigation into the adoption system. But partly she has not yet acted on it, and partly she proposes that the Danish Appeals Board be responsible for the investigation. The Danish Appeals Board is the supervisory authority in the area of ​​adoption and thus cannot be regarded as impartial.

Therefore, I hope that you will help sign the following petition:

Dear Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil

As adopters, we are pleased that you are showing an interest in the field of adoption and are considering an investigation into international adoption. Recent media cases clearly emphasize the need for such an investigation.

An impartial investigation
However, it is important for us to point out that the Danish Appeals Board is not an impartial party. The Danish Appeals Board is the supervisory authority, and it therefore does not make sense for them to investigate their own work. It is absolutely essential that both adoptees, original families and adopters can have confidence in the outcome of an investigation, and therefore we would like to call for it to be carried out by a completely impartial commission. One could, for example, be inspired by the commission of inquiry which is currently investigating international adoption in Norway.

A comprehensive investigation
Furthermore, we hope for a thorough, ambitious and comprehensive investigation of all international adoption mediation to Denmark from the 1960s until today. Several smaller studies of individual countries and periods have been carried out over time, but there is a need for an overall picture.

Quick initiation
Last but not least, we would like to encourage the investigation to be initiated as soon as possible. The uncertainty affects many, both adoptees, original families and adopters, and action is needed.

On behalf of the following adopters and co-signatories,

Trine Rahbek