Der bayerische Papst, die römischen Kardinäle und die siebenbürgische Lustknabenschule des Pater Don Demidoff | (The Bavarian Pope, the Roman cardinals and the Transylvanian pleasure boys' school of Father Don Demidoff |)

4 March 2013

The Internet is full of the most interesting finds and other flea market items, but the spoiled information collector rarely finds something as tasty as what he recently found on the 'cultural heritage group'. First of all, I'll just repeat what Armin Maurer said there based on information he received. In between and afterwards, supplement it with a few explanations and other comments. 😉


“The statements of an informant from the NGO ResRo [Restitution in Romania - HH], who told me yesterday that after the revelation of these connections he had to go into hiding because his life was at risk:

'Romania has been supplying Catholic-educated boys to the Roman cardinals since 2005. After the death of the middleman [Father “Don Demidoff” – HH], whose “training center” was a renovated fortified church [Gross-Schenk/Cincu and/or Jakobsdorf/Iacobeni – HH], there were unintentional revelations by the Pope’s valet.

The infiltration was led by the Romanian secret service, which successfully blackmailed the Vatican in order not to have to return the properties in Romania confiscated from the Catholic Church during communism and in order to force the Vatican to support the ECHR pilot ruling, which provides for that the state is allowed to expropriate anything for the benefit of the general public and must compensate the owners - also for the benefit of the general public - very little or not at all.

One of the last official acts of the Pope, who resigned for this reason, was the reception of the Romanian President Traian Băsescu, who then flew to Malta to visit the friars there, who had formed the hub of the business.'

So much for the informant.”


What is true about this sex & crime script? After all, the most important people and countless facts and events exist that make the above scenario seem entirely conceivable, even if the last link (pardon the ambiguity of the term!) in the chain is still missing: the connection between the homosexual practices of individual Vatican cardinals and individuals from Romania.
Below is a list of what is known and confirmed so far:

1. The Past announced his resignation on February 12, 2013 (or so), to which the horror reading of one in redlatexleather-bound report.


2. One of the reasons for his resignation was the sinful (i.e. homosexual) actions of some of his church leaders.

Photo source: Sueddeutsche Zeitung

3. President Basescu visited the Pope on February 15, 2013 for a “ personal conversation ” and then traveled on to the Order of St. John in Malta.

4. The Catholic Church is waiting for the restitution of real estate in Romania/Transylvania.

5. Ex-Prime Minister MR Ungureanu, a pupil of Basescu, tried in 2012 as one of the last official acts to 'castrate' the Romanian restitution law in the wake of the ECHR pilot ruling as described above, so that the Catholic Church in RO would also come away empty-handed.

Photo source:

6. The town of Jakobsdorf/Iacobeni in the Harbachtal, the associated fortified church and the suspicious (former) children's center actually exist, as every reasonably informed Transylvanian Saxon knows.


7. The latter was run by a shady German contemporary named Udo J. Erlenhardt; Artist name Father Don Demidoff .


8. The same person was once a homosexual emancipator in West Germany and in the 1970s he was editor-in-chief of what was probably the first relevant specialist newspaper in Germany. In addition to running a gay bar in Cologne, his personal and professional career also included his excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church and, from 1991, his intense social lifedofilesDagogic commitment in what was then the child fucker's paradise of Romania. More precisely, as part of the children's homes he built and managed in Gross-Schenk and later in Jakobsdorf - both in rented properties from the AB Protestant Church in Romania.


9. But what did Mr. E. do in the 1980s? For example, as a bar operator, he was involved in a gay scandal surrounding a Bundeswehr general and deputy NATO secretary general named Georg Kiessling, a scandal which even the then Defense Minister Manfred Woerner and Chancellor Kohl had to intervene to smooth over. At least that's what the Sueddeutsche Zeitung reports .

Photo source:

10. Around 2008, the Schaessburg bloggers Alexandru Gota, Florin Staicu and Hans Hedrich learned from the many sweat spores of the Internet about the alleged involvement of Mr. Udo E. in child molester rings that reached into the highest circles of Romanian politics/secret services .

11. The Internet also had Mr. Es. Previous work with the Military Counterintelligence Service of the Federal Republic of Germany and the BND.

12. Despite excommunication, Mr. E. is said to have received something like a certificate from Pope JP2 - if the thing is not a blatant forgery... Consequently, Mr. E. seems to have had functional contacts in the Vatican bureaucracy and could have been used - and of all people , who had been released from the 'Club' back in the day.


13. The Schaessburg bloggers happily wrote about all of this - and promptly got into trouble with Mr. E., who at that time in the Harbachtal and the Schaessburg area published a short-lived revolver called “Ziarul Meu / Meine Zeitung” for the purpose of extorting donations and is now his business model was at risk. The business model: Buying the target people out of negative reporting by placing advertisements in his newspaper, i.e. through indirect donations to hisLustboy schoolchildcare center.

14. The little bloggers had a lot of fun with Mr. Es. Raging and threatening - until Mr. E. dragged the three of them to court at the beginning of March 2010 and demanded a cease and desist plus hefty damages. Blogger No. 1 quickly became afraid for his house and yard because of the Romanian Skato justice system and even stopped his blog for years . Blogger No. 2 , who had been fighting with corrupt local officials in court for years, was already looking forward to it on the trial with Mr. E., while blogger No. 3 (the author of these lines) just enjoyed the moment and continued to have fun, in one of his articles he had only linked to the sources that were inconvenient for Mr. E., so that neither Justice nor the Harbachtaler Bild-Zeitung could prove anything, nor could the Jakobsdorfer Engelsbatallions do anything.

15. Mr E. went to the Engelein himself in June 2011 . Where in this world do his things go?trainedThe little children who were looked after came or who he let them come to - if he did - he probably knew best. It would be possible to search for traces of the boys, but rather difficult given the difficult access to information (names, whereabouts/address of the children), the interests and the power structure in this affair.