


Title Publication date
Children for Sale - When Guatemalan adoption became big business April 2024
As Ariha turns three, mother Dhara Shah appeals to PM to intervene 2 February 2024
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? 26 January 2024
Exposed. Adopted. Arrived in the now. 24 January 2024
Inter-Country Relative Adoption | Country Of Adoptive Child's Father Must Communicate To CARA For Issuance Of NOC: Karnataka High Court 24 January 2024
Modernization of parentage and child custody law: Federal Justice Minister Buschmann presents key points 16 January 2024
Atman: investigation into a multinational sect of tantrism 29 November 2023
KarlsruheÜble Nachrede gegen Bundestagsabgeordneten - Frau muss ins Gefängnis 17 November 2023
Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 17 November 2023
The picture book of the K family. 4 November 2023
Family international frankfurt eV Member of the International Social Service (ISS) - Feedback from searchers 30 September 2023
“Makarenko was just into it”: A youth in the former GDR children’s home in Treptow 28 September 2023
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023
Police in Crete close surrogate mother clinic due to human trafficking 11 August 2023
Summoned German Ambassador to push for Baby Ariha’s return: MEA 3 August 2023
Children are collateral damage as DNA paternity tests rise 12 July 2023
Adoptees talk about their fates: "We were part of an experiment after all" 3 July 2023
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide 28 June 2023
Ariha case: German court rejects Indian parents custody pleas, hands over child to local agency 17 June 2023
Verdict: Don't go over the child's head for adoption 13 June 2023
Reader question: Is Pforzheim city councilor Oana Krichbaum really a lawyer? 20 May 2023
Rumors instead of facts: why a video from Bremerhaven angered Muslims worldwide 2 May 2023
Child abduction by the youth welfare office : Who will give me my daughter back? 26 April 2023
When the birth remains a secret 8 April 2023
Abandoned by mother in Odisha, infant girl adopted by NRI couple from Germany 6 April 2023
How a Berliner struggles for her naturalization 28 March 2023
Korean adoptee in Germany reunites with birth family after 42 years 23 March 2023
Illegal international adoptions How adoptees demand enlightenment 18 March 2023
Adoptee reunites with family 42 years after going missing at bus terminal 16 March 2023
Our Adoption Story 15 March 2023
Online terror against Oana Krichbaum: the accused has to go to prison for seven months 8 March 2023
Üble Nachrede gegen Oana Krichbaum: E-Mail-Terror trifft jetzt Verteidigerin (Defamation against Oana Krichbaum: E-mail terror n 27 February 2023
What is the baby Ariha case? All you need to know as MEA takes matter up with German authorities | Mint 25 February 2023
Happiness began at the Black Sea 12 January 2023
Whistleblower testifies in Krichbaum trial 12 January 2023
Liz was given up as a baby: 'My mother chose a life without me' 29 December 2022
Pforzheim City Councilor Oana Krichbaum is suing for defamation 14 December 2022
Adoption counselor Melanie Kleintz Lifelong search for your own roots 13 December 2022
South Korea launches investigation into suspicious adoptions of children to the West 8 December 2022
What really helps adopted children thrive? 7 December 2022
Illegal international adoptions How adoptees demand enlightenment 24 November 2022
Forced adoption in the GDR 29 October 2022
From Romania to Frankfurt: Adoptive Parent’s Book Joins the Frankfurter Buchemesse 16 October 2022
Looking for good parents 15 October 2022
Parenthood - Cradle. Snatched : Indian couple in Berlin had their child taken away by German protection services. 31 July 2022
Scarce child 17 July 2022
‘A baby needed a family’: how a same-sex couple became one of Germany’s first to adopt 17 July 2022
Ukraine: "Thinking about causes is not appeasement" 4 July 2022
BMI - DDR - Zwangsadoptionen - Start of the research project to deal with forced adoptions in the GDR 1 July 2022
Finally compensation for kidnapped children 7 May 2022
Germany: Woman sentenced for poking holes in partner's condoms 5 May 2022
German man, 44, who fell in love and had four children with his SISTER, 37, after their mother died continues his fight to make 3 May 2022
Adoption not recognized – he has been waiting for his son for eight years 25 April 2022
Church fires cathedral cantor over two babies Gerd-Peter Münden wants children from surrogate mothers in Colombia 26 March 2022
Twin brothers separated at birth are finally reunited after nearly 70 years apart 24 March 2022
Nurse cares for surrogate children in Kyiv as war stops her seeing her own 16 March 2022
Adoptions in Bavaria: the long wait for a desired child 15 March 2022
New study: How stressed are adopted children and their parents? 5 March 2022
3rd International Family Law Day in Berlin from 11th to 12th. February 2022 11 February 2022
Astrid Krag on explosion in adoptions: 'We talk about cases where the parents are bad' 9 February 2022
Adoption according to the old law before January 1st, 1977 I was adopted before 1/1/1977. am i heir 31 January 2022
Adoption from a children's home: "Even as an autistic person I'm still human" 30 January 2022
"People lived here for a long time with the illusion of orphan children" 28 January 2022
Adopted children have the right to information about their birth parents 19 January 2022
An adopted child is entitled to information from its biological mother about the identity of the biological father 19 January 2022
9 questions to ask before considering adoption 6 January 2022
Married couple from the Mayen-Koblenz district are not allowed to adopt refugees 29 September 2021
Residential Child and Youth care in a Developing World 3 September 2021
Repatriation of little Indian Child from Germany to India 1 September 2021
Abandoned in an orphanage in Cluj, adopted in Germany. Alex is now an activist and has traveled the world 20 August 2021
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims 13 August 2021
The Dark Side of Surrogacy By Aysegül Acevit - Signs of life 1 August 2021
The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles 26 July 2021
Visitation rights of the biological father after the adoption of the child 19 July 2021
"Always a child with two families" 19 July 2021
Surrogacy and Children's Rights - an inventory 1 July 2021
Violent criticism of the youth welfare office: babies and mothers separated without sufficient reason? 30 June 2021
TWO MOTHERS 20 June 2021
SOS Children's Villages: Suspected scandal of abuse in 20 countries - including Germany 8 May 2021
Suspected Bulgarian Baby Traffickers Detained In Germany 6 May 2021
He arrived at the orphanage when he was only one year old, and now, after 43 years, he is looking for his biological family. 13 April 2021
New rules for adoptions come into force 1 April 2021
The Western Foreigners Successfully Circumventing Adoption Laws in Uganda 25 March 2021
ISS / deutscher verein (Recommendations of the German Association on adjustments in the adoption process against the background) 24 March 2021
Sushila Sara Mai: "A Bavarian original with an Indian-exotic touch" 23 March 2021
Anonymous sperm donors: "You are your mother's son" 25 February 2021
They saw themselves as progressive - and sexually exploited children 24 February 2021
German Nuns Sold Orphaned Children to Sexual Predators: Report 2 February 2021
Cabinet adopts child rights passage 20 January 2021
Handelsware Kind (Merchandise child) - Video report 19 January 2021
Stolen "Lebensborn children" demand recognition as victims of National Socialism 18 January 2021
Melkamu Frauendorf 30 November 2020
The federal and state governments agree on adoption assistance law 12 November 2020
Volunteer work: A social service employee helps with adoptions abroad 23 July 2020
Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, the "Romanian" wife of Gunther Krichbaum, also an expert in international adoptions like the Iohannis 16 July 2020
90 years of IST: the structural and substantive change in the International Social Service from its beginnings to the present da 1 July 2020
Did he father his child for the abuse? 2 June 2020
APOM Help for the Orphans of Maissade - Haiti 9 May 2020
Special homecoming from Haiti 9 May 2020
International Social Services, from India to Romania (Part 3) 30 April 2020
International Social Service, little did I know 24 April 2020
Das Schicksal der verkauften Kinder aus Sri Lanka 27 February 2020
Trafficking in children An overview of the current situation in Germany 2020 2020
Illegale Adoption, ein echtes Problem in Paraguay 1 January 2020
Der neue Vater muss mit 11 November 2019
Kindesmissbrauch in deutschen Kitas 24 October 2019
She wanted to know where she came from 23 October 2019
She wanted to know where she came from 23 October 2019
Aus Thailand Kölner Paar gibt adoptiertes Mädchen wieder ab und bekommt Rechnung 21 October 2019
Sie befinden sich hier: Über uns/Unser Team 30 September 2019
Dad, Mum, Zähne putzen 24 September 2019
EMPOWERYOU - Kinder und Jugendliche in Pflege- und Adoptivfamilien stärken und Reviktimisierung verhindern 20 September 2019
Ein Schwabe aus Indien 19 September 2019
Das Geschäft mit der Auslandsadoption 18 September 2019
Adoption von Kindern: Giffey will mehr Rechte für leibliche Eltern 14 September 2019
Begleitung aller Beteiligten -Giffey will Adoptionsrecht ändern 14 September 2019
Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Verbesserung der Hilfen für Familien bei Adoption (Adoptionshilfe-Gesetz) 13 September 2019
Heimkinder wider Willen - Jugendämter unter Druck? 11 September 2019
Romanian prosecutors probe abuse of German teens 28 August 2019
Jugendhilfe Rumänien 28 August 2019
Child Abuse, Trafficking Probe Targets Romanian Program Led By German Couple 28 August 2019
Berlin's Asian food hub implicated in human trafficking network 8 August 2019
Charlotte's Adoptionsblog © 29 July 2019
The story of Carlos Haas, a German looking for his biological mother in Guatemala 25 July 2019
Search for biological mother leads German woman to Raichur 23 July 2019
Search for biological mother leads German woman to Raichur 23 July 2019
The Romanian Children Growing up Without Their Parents 15 July 2019
"Warum meine Adoption keine Rettung war.????????????Auf Klo" on YouTube 27 June 2019
Abgebrochen ist der Kontakt seit 2011 nie 19 June 2019
Unsere Adoptivkinder aus Bangladesch sind eine riesige Belastung und Enttäuschung 11 June 2019
Kinder bei pädophilen Pflegevätern 28 May 2019
Nederlands-Duitse samenwerking door Europa ondersteund 20 May 2019
Das Heim, in dem alles begann 6 May 2019
Bericht Zur Tagung“Herkunftssuche In Der Biographiearbeit“ 6 May 2019
Convicted of defamation: Woman in the Krichbaum case gets probation 3 May 2019
Adoption von Stiefkindern - auch ohne Trauschein 2 May 2019
Ukrainische Leihmutter ist rechtliche Mutter des Kindes 23 April 2019
Bayerische Schönheit mit indischen Wurzeln 21 April 2019
Caring for children in foster families in the red zone 8 April 2019
Berlin court finds couple guilty of child trafficking 4 April 2019
Gunther Krichbaums Ex-Frau soll im Prozess um Verleumdung als Zeugin aussagen 15 March 2019
Adoptiert wider Willen 12 March 2019
Grausam! Gestohlene Kinder – schreckliche Enthüllung von Babyhandel – ‚Stolen‘ newborn babies: Babies for sale 18 January 2019
Isabel Hövels findet mit Hilfe des Bischofs ihre leibliche Mutter Indisches Adoptivkind dankt Felix Genn 16 January 2019
Verein plant neue Projekte für Rumänien 9 January 2019
Hilfsprojekte aus unserer Region: Wo der Spendenfranken gut aufgehoben ist 21 December 2018
Peter Harry Pfund Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who 31 October 2018
Zeitreise: Waisenkinder für Afrika 14 October 2018
Peter Harry Pfund Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who 13 October 2018
Watch "Finalist Kindle Storyteller X Award 2018 - Isabel Hövels" on YouTube 5 October 2018
"Von unserer Familie ist nichts übrig" 28 September 2018
No compensation for Lebensborn children abducted by Nazi SS 6 July 2018
Wenn Dein Leben in einem Gitterbett im Waisenhaus beginnt: "Dass sich jemand nicht kümmert, das bleibt" 25 June 2018
The reunion - Die Adoption, Teil 5 - Das Wiedersehen 27 April 2018
The trip - Die Adoption,Teil 4 - Die Reise 26 April 2018
Zwischen Deutschland und Indien 1 January 2018
Germany's most famous gay rights activist: Filmmaker Rosa von Praunheim at 75 24 November 2017
Babyfarmen auf Sri Lanka verkauften Kinder nach Europa 22 September 2017
Fwd: ISS USA 4 June 2017
Leistet die Politik einer „Enteignung der Kinder“ Vorschub? 9 May 2017
Union will Adoption neu regeln 13 March 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Jugendamt Wuppertal: Flucht ins Ausland verhindert Adoption! 14 November 2016
European Parliament - Regulating international surrogacy arrangements - state of play 21 July 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Vietnam: Adoption: "Meine Mama ist meine Mama - fertig!" (Adoptions going down in Germany) 16 April 2016
Analyse der Adoptionsvermittlungen aus der Russischen Föderation nach Deutschland 1 January 2016
Dominik sucht Maria 22 December 2015
By rushing to speed up forced adoptions we are letting children down 9 December 2015
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait 2 November 2015
Unsolicited statement from ECPAT 14 August 2015
Mit Kindern Kasse machen: Auslandsmaßnahmen außer Kontrolle 1 June 2015
Gelsenkirchener Jugendamt-Skandal - Mit Kindern Kasse machen 30 April 2015
Erfahrungen mit Zukunft für Kinder e.V. in Oberhausen-Rheinh 23 March 2015
Adoption agencies looked at with suspicion following news report on 'baby-selling' 2 September 2014
Adoption agencies looked at with suspicion following news report on 'baby-selling' 2 September 2014
International adoption “It was worth every effort” 1 September 2014
Angebliches Waisenkind aus Indien: "Ich wollte nicht adoptiert werden" 20 August 2014
EVAP stellt Adoptionsvermittlung aus Äthiopien ein 21 July 2014
Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions 7 July 2014
Babies become latest export commodity in number of developing countries 9 May 2014
German court rules gay couples cannot adopt children 21 February 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
"Vermisst": Mutter und Tochter sind endlich vereint 27 January 2014
Mein Leben mit Snehalaya 1 January 2014
Right to know - A new law will give children of anonymous births the right to know their mother's identity. But some experts criticize the law for not abolishing so-called "baby hatches." 6 October 2013
2013 Arbeit und Prügel für deutsche Kinder - Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung 3 September 2013
Child for cash: impunity for child trafficking 13 June 2013
Der bayerische Papst, die römischen Kardinäle und die siebenbürgische Lustknabenschule des Pater Don Demidoff | (The Bavarian Pope, the Roman cardinals and the Transylvanian pleasure boys' school of Father Don Demidoff |) 4 March 2013
Verfahren vor Landgericht eingestellt: Emsländerin ohne Glück bei Adoption 23 February 2013
Das verlorene Kind (German TV: ZDF) - YOUTUBE 25 January 2013
German High Court Takes On Same-Sex Adoption 17 December 2012
Germanul Gunther Krichbaum trateaz? România ca pe o ?ar? african? din lumea a III-a 6 September 2012
7.9.: Frankfurt School-Professor Bernd Lahno spricht zu „Auslandsadoptionen aus ethischer Sicht" 8 August 2012
Spread of 'baby boxes' in Europe alarms United Nations 10 June 2012
GErman Radio CAP - Wereldkinderen 1 April 2012
Gestohlene Kinder- Auslandsadoption in Indien 20 December 2011
Gestohlene Kinder Auslandsadoption in Indien - ZDF - YOUTUBE 20 December 2011
„Ich bin ein gestohlenes Kind“ 29 November 2011
Baby farm in Moratuwa raided 23 November 2011
Interviewanfrage ISS 23 November 2011
Fwd: ISS Black Germans: Die Kinder weisser Mütter und schwarzer GIs in Deutschland versammelten sich als Erwachsene erstmals in 10 November 2011
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador 29 August 2011
Salvadoran group dogged in search for children missing years ago in civil war 24 July 2011
German courtcase - adoption Ghana 10 May 2011
Human traffickers sell children to paedophiles (Germany, Haiti) 15 April 2011
Vorwurf Kinderhandel 8 April 2011
Vierjährige Nicoleta darf zunächst in Deutschland bleiben 31 March 2011
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare 30 March 2011
Prozess um Kinderhandel geht weiter 29 March 2011
7000 Euro für die Adoption eines Kindes 1 March 2011
Herausgabe des Mädchens verweigert March 2011
Romania: a new step towards the release of international adoptions 24 February 2011
Perfekte Eltern für das Kind - und nicht umgekehrt 4 February 2011
Court ruling could mean equal adoption rights for gay couples 28 January 2011
Courtcase Dusseldorf - Ethiopian adoption refused 18 January 2011
Adoption auf Haiti: Grego hat nicht geweint 1 January 2011
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens 23 December 2010
Jugendhilfe: Reiche Eltern sollen zahlen 11 November 2010
„Da muss man die Notbremse ziehen“ 30 October 2010
In search of adoption, childless German couples go abroad 22 September 2010
Martyrium statt Familienidylle 20 September 2010
Britain’s secret child slaves 5 September 2010
The legacy of forced adoptions 22 August 2010
Fear over Mali's missing children 16 August 2010
République tchèque : les enfants roms concernés par l’adoption internationale 12 July 2010
Lobby Germany (Anke/Karin/Jorg, Ilka 8 July 2010
German forum: Subject: Re: Betrifft: [Äthiopienforum] - LOBBY 5 July 2010
"Kindskauf", Pflege oder Adoption? 1 July 2010
Kinderhandel? Aussage steht gegen Aussage 1 July 2010
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare 29 June 2010
Scheidung hebt Adoption nicht automatisch auf 2 June 2010
Germans illegally adopting children from Russia 19 May 2010
Geld darf nicht im Vordergrund stehen 17 May 2010
Adoptionsvermittlung wegen Kinderhandels angeklagt 15 May 2010
Urteil Fatma bleibt in Izmir - vorerst 16 April 2010
Haitis Kinder ( Film ) 11 April 2010
Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports 10 April 2010
Adoption regulator clueless on SC order 20 March 2010
Children or commodities? 17 March 2010
Stiller Sehnsucht 14 March 2010
Deutschland verweigert indischer Leihmutter die Einreise 4 March 2010
Skandal um Adoption von Kindern 1 March 2010
German twins' father makes desperate plea 27 February 2010
German surrogate twins: Government to relax adoption norms 25 February 2010
IAWG urges better adoption process 24 February 2010
Die verlorene Tochter - Die Geschichte einer Auslandsadoption 23 February 2010
Haïti, de l'adoption au trafic 10 February 2010
Eine richtig glückliche Familie (mayor Aachen) 9 February 2010
Ein Baby für 5000 Dollar 8 February 2010
Nepal 'should suspend' adoptions 5 February 2010
Koblenzer Adoptionsverein holte Kinder aus Erdbebengebiet in Haiti 29 January 2010
Lassegue told the German Press Agency dpa that the government has put a halt to new adoptions 24 January 2010
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF 22 January 2010
22.1.10 Deutschland erleichtert Einreise von Adoptivkindern aus Haiti 22 January 2010
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption 22 January 2010
In Sorge um Waisenhaus in Haiti 19 January 2010
Haitianische Kinder bald zur Adoption in Deutschland 19 January 2010
Hilfe für Haiti aus Palling 19 January 2010
Erhöhte Nachfrage nach Adoptionen von Kindern aus Haiti 18 January 2010
Adopt surrogate twins, SC tells German couple 18 January 2010
Kinderhilfe: Viele Kinder in Haiti ganz allein 18 January 2010
German surrogate twins: Can adoption be a way out, court asks 18 January 2010
Er sollte nach Deutschland – Das Beben zerstörte das Glück 17 January 2010
Die schönsten Geschichten aus dem Jahr 1990 (adoption from Cluj) 2010 16 December 2009
Glückliche Regenbogenkinder 11 December 2009
Trafican?i de copii în ?ara Cantoanelor 20 November 2009
Dictator's wife defiant over forced adoptions 10 November 2009
Kenia: mal so - mal so 9 October 2009
German couple granted adoption of Namibian Child 24 September 2009
Offenburg worked for adoption for years 28 August 2009
Jahrelanger Adoptionsstopp aus Rumänien führt zu Widerrufen der Zulassungen für Vermittlungsstellen 5 August 2009
Copiii Romaniei cu viitor incert. Parinti la treaba in strainatate, adoptii imposibile. Sunt Manuel si Nicoleta niste sacrificat 27 July 2009
Wartime orphans of shame unite 19 July 2009
Ausschuss fragt nach Verbleib der Kinder 8 July 2009
Wo sind die Findelbabys? 20 June 2009
Sozialbehörde fordert Aufklärung von SterniPark Wo sind die Babys aus der Babyklappe? 19 June 2009
Rumänisches Pflegekind: Kastner sieht keine Chance, die Rückführung zu verhindern 18 June 2009
Sollen homosexuelle Paare Kinder adoptieren dürfen? 3 June 2009
Copil sechestrat de 3 ani, cu acte false 1 June 2009
Sozialsenator Wersich greift SterniPark an 2 May 2009
MIRACLES EXPANDS TO GERMANY (Kidsave Newsletter) May 2009
Older Children Find Homes in Germany 20 April 2009
Barbara Stamm, de 78 de ori în Neamt 17 April 2009
Das Adoptionsverfahren in den USA 1 April 2009
Kirgisistan 31 March 2009
INDIA German nun replaces Sister Nirmala as Missionaries of Charity head 25 March 2009
Letter from Children and Parents to Roelie Post 16 March 2009
Bebildertes Tagungsprotokol der Bundeszentralstelle für Auslandsadoption 5 March 2009
Kyrgyz police accuse foreigners of illegal child adoption 5 March 2009
Leihmutter-Drama 4 March 2009
The hurdles and pitfalls of adoption 4 February 2009
Deutsche im 24-Stunden-Einsatz - 50 Kinder 19 January 2009
Stolen by the Nazis: The tragic tale of 12,000 blue-eyed blond children taken by the SS to create an Aryan super-race 9 January 2009
Adoption eines Kindes aus der Slowakei 1 January 2009
Hope’s Promise Orphan Ministries GERMANY 2009
Mediated by child traffickers: What will become of this girl? 2009
Embassies push for transparency in adoptions 7 December 2008
Unsere Tochter aus Afrika November 2008
"Verbotene" Sternipark-Kita bekommt Gnadenfrist 21 October 2008
Fachzeitschrift für Adoptivfamilien: Maulkorberlass für Adoptionsbewerber? June 2008
Grenzenloser Kinderwunsch 17 January 2008
German adoptee look for Indian roots 16 January 2008
crazy discussion on Romania 29 November 2007
Adoption fraud 5 July 2006
Broekman Adoptie Procedure 19 June 2006
Nirmayas neues Zuhause 2006
Nachwuchs auf Bestellung 8 December 2005
Zu Gast bei den Straßenkindern in Rumänien 6 September 2005
Local Reunion ARC families 1 August 2005
Comment Anke Hassel on TAZ article 22 May 2005
Foreigners Vie to Adopt Black U.S. Babies 5 March 2005
Born in America, adopted abroad 27 October 2004
Diakonie Heidelberg als erster deutscher Adoptionsdienst in der russischen Föderation akkreditiert 29 April 2004
German Parliamentary Question on Romania 18 February 2004
list of granted large scale projects under section 5 2000- 2002 30 October 2003
Search for the family of origin 2 October 2003
Note German Ministry about letters ISS - financial contribution 4 June 2003
Feierliche Höhepunkte einer Großfamilie 19 December 2002
Germany Still Divided over the Idea of Baby Hatches 12 December 2002
Romania: Children's purchase instead of Adoption 4 February 2002
Pro Infante 2001 Report 1 May 2001
Auslandsadoption oder Kinderhandel in Rumänien? 1 January 2001
+ 15 000 Mark fuer ein Kind aus Kenia bezahlt? 19 September 2000
Information about foster care 2000
Zukunft fur Kinder 1 January 1999
Eltern und Kinder BUKAREST 23 December 1998
Adoption fam. Hermann: Unsere Adoptionsgeschichte (Romania - Germany) 1 June 1998
Großes Los oder Entwurzelung? Seit Kinderhandel Schlagzeilen machte, sind Adoptionen von Kindern aus dem Ausland.. 24 June 1994
Psst! Babies for Sale! 21 October 1991
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 1 January 1987
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht 24 February 1983
West Germany: The baby business 15 January 1983
“The well-being of the child has priority” 11 July 1982
ADOPTIONEN - Heimlicher Lift (Germany to US) 21 April 1975
Adoption from Brazil - 1974 1974
FIRST PART 1956-1998 Section 1 20 March 1968
ADOPTION Mangelware Kind 21 July 1962
Moderne Kinderhandel (US army) 21 December 1959
GERMANY: UNRRA Searchers find 10.000 children 29 October 1946
Stolen Children - The German TRAUMA - WWII
Armies of Peace
A newer version of the retailer and / or pederast is the
New life in THE OLD HOME
Documents received from LJA Mainz
Documents received from LJA Koeln