Germans illegally adopting children from Russia
19 May 2010

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Germans illegally adopting children from Russia

ICCO contributed to the illegal adoption of 30 Russian orphans and children from disadvantaged families. Photo
Angelina Strit13: 39 19 May 2010.
In the case of detained three suspects, two women and one man

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In Germany, began an investigation of criminal cases against the Hamburg firm International Child Care Organisation (ICCO), suspected of organizing illegal adoptions of children by the Germans from Russia. In the case of detained three suspects, two women and one man. They are accused of trafficking in children.

According to prosecutors in Germany, ICCO contributed to the illegal adoption of 30 Russian orphans and children from disadvantaged families, whose age is today from 5 to 10 years. The company did not have a license for the relevant work in Russia.

Organization of International Child's Care continued its activities despite the fact that had been denied a license 4 years ago. At the same time, from a formal point of view, children have been adopted in accordance with the law. Thus, adoptive parents should not worry that they parted with their children. The decision of the authorities of children will not be returned to Russia, they are allowed to remain in German families.

For the adoption of all 30 children citizens of Germany in 2003-2006 paid ICCO 475,000 euros - from 13 thousand to 20 thousand per child, writes RIA Novosti. More than half of that amount went to the American adoption agency that took a work permit in Russia. That is what the agency was in contact with representatives of Russian authorities.

Criminals have found kids in poor and troubled families and in fact "to resell the goods in Germany. Adoption procedure was carried out with violations: foster parents were sending money to the personal account of the leader ICCO Eva-Maria Hofer.

She gained prominence in Germany in 2004, when scolded Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for the adoption of a small Victorian orphanage in St. Petersburg. Hofer insisted that the politician is too old for such a step. Later, investigators found that fraudsters will review the applications and from persons over Schroeder.

Sam Schroeder in 2006 with his wife Doris Kepf be adopted in St. Petersburg has one child - a boy orphaned Gregory.

ICCO staff did not recognize his guilt. They can face imprisonment of between six months to ten years. Will there be brought to justice the American agency, are not reported.

At the same time, the Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov believes that the trend of recent years, when the Russian adoption on foreign adoptions is increasing quite quickly, within a few years will keep all children in Russia. Maybe in 5-10 years, foreign adoption will disappear altogether. "We can not give our children the world" - said the Commissioner for Children's Rights.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. a new scandal flared up in the center of which a child is adopted in Russia. Spouses Hershou demand money from the largest in the U.S. adoption agency Bethany Christian Services. According to the adoptive parents, the boy who was brought from an orphanage in Krasnoyarsk, was a bad heredity. They claim that they are concealed this fact and now require the adoption agency $ 10 million.

Hershou accuse the company of which they paid for the services of more than 16 thousand dollars in withholding information about the health of the child. Allegedly, the doctor from the agency issued the spouses concluded that the boy from the orphanage in Krasnoyarsk is healthy, but in fact it never even inspected.

Chip and Julie Hershou brought one and a half Roma in Virginia six years ago. In 2006 he was diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. This malformations caused by alcoholism parents. Roma Hershou sent to a medical facility for difficult children and parents went to court.

The agency suggested the chip and Julie to abandon the child, but they have not accepted the offer. Bethany Christian Services stated that the adoptive parents warn of possible risks: the majority of children, whom the Americans to adopt in Russia - with congenital abnormalities. Spouses Hershou parry: the fact that Roma parents were alcoholics, they were allegedly not told. 10 million spouses promise to spend on rehabilitation of Roma, which, however, in their house no longer live.