Russian Federation

Russian Federation


Title Publication date
Why countries are banning international adoptions 14 February 2025
Putin's Kremlin planes took away Ukrainian children for adoption, report alleges 3 December 2024
Orphanage Trafficking Summary 17 July 2024
The State Duma will prohibit citizens of countries where gender reassignment occurs from adopting children 13 July 2024
How far are you willing to go for a child? 12 April 2024
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption 4 January 2024
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' 15 December 2023
Russian Duma to Ban Adoption by Citizens of Sex Change-Permitting Countries 20 November 2023
Reclaiming Culture and Identity as a Central Asian Adoptee 17 November 2023
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry 23 October 2023
Diplomatic spat Netherlands and Russia: two worlds of law and diplomacy | Clingendael 10 October 2023
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions 20 September 2023
Children arrive in Belarus after being illegally removed from Ukraine 19 September 2023
The Kremlin’s War Against Ukraine’s Children 24 August 2023
Explainer: State Department releases annual report on intercountry adoptions 19 July 2023
Russian bill banning ‘sex change’ altered to prohibit child adoption for trans persons 11 July 2023
Sergey Nikolayevich Zasyatkin Cep?e? H??o?ae??? ?ac????? 9 April 2023
In kyiv, the return of children deported by Russia: "I was afraid of being there forever" 23 March 2023
SOS Children's Village spokesman: "We condemn every illegal adoption" 28 February 2023
Deportation of Ukrainian children is a crime that must be held accountable 21 February 2023
Illicit international adoptions of children 10 February 2023
Russia's Duma passes bill banning surrogacy for foreigners 8 December 2022
Lies, love and deception: inside the cut-throat world of international adoption 6 December 2022
Ukraine’s foreign ministry initiates case against Russian ombudswoman for illegally adopting a Ukrainian child 27 October 2022
Children are being taken from Ukraine and adopted in Russia, US think tank says 27 October 2022
Ukrainian children say they were taken against their will by Russian forces and placed up for adoption in Russia, where the proc 22 October 2022
These families were adopting Ukrainian orphans. Now they have to wait out Russia's war 15 October 2022
UN statement on illegal intercountry adoptions lacks nuance 12 October 2022
UN terms accusations that Moscow forces take Ukrainian children forcibly to Russia for adoption as 'credible' 8 September 2022
Russian 'architect' of Ukraine child abduction scheme sanctioned by Canada 26 August 2022
Kyiv accuses Russia of illegally giving more than 1,000 Ukrainian children up for adoption 23 August 2022
Russia Is Transporting Ukrainian Orphans Over The Border, Violating International Law 3 August 2022
The Mark Gitenstein interview:- "[Putin] totally underestimated the unity between the two largest democratic systems in the worl 11 July 2022
Ukraine: "Thinking about causes is not appeasement" 4 July 2022
Vulnerable Ukrainian children at risk of illegal adoption 25 April 2022
Adoption in a Time of Crisis: We Should Be Concerned 6 April 2022
Nurse cares for surrogate children in Kyiv as war stops her seeing her own 16 March 2022
Polish charity to take in 2,000 Ukrainian orphans 2 March 2022
Statement on the war in Ukraine | Dr. Oetker press release 28 February 2022
Texas couple flees Ukraine with adopted son near death 19 February 2022
A Child of the Decree: Keeseville memoirist reflects on life in Romania, coming to America 12 February 2022
France: why are international adoptions in free fall? 28 December 2021
Russian priest who adopted 70 children jailed for abuse 24 December 2021
Senate Ratifies Pact That Seeks to Protect Children In International Adoptions 23 December 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
[Letter From Montana] | Cold War Kids, by Irina Aleksander | Harper's Magazine - Part 6 30 October 2021
The New Question Haunting Adoption 19 October 2021
'It is our moral duty to put the best interests of the adoptee first' 15 September 2021
Report: Thailand remains a popular choice for Finnish families looking to adopt 2 September 2021
Pope Francis on Adoption: ‘Every Child That Arrives Is God’s Gift’ 27 August 2021
Parents brought child back to Russian orphanage 14 July 2021
Russian-Kiwi adoptee on a quest to help others reunite with their birth parents 17 September 2019
San Jose man serially abused by adoptive parents gets $28 million judgment 8 August 2019
Charlotte's Adoptionsblog © 29 July 2019
Ireland left horrified by Ana Kriégel’s murder in a derelict farmhouse 23 June 2019
Russian child rights commissioner strives for reforming orphanage system 31 May 2019
Alarms about irregularities from the majority of major countries Sweden adopted from 21 February 2019
Immigration, Adoption and Our National Identity 1 January 2019
Trump says he spoke with Putin about 'adoptions' during second, undisclosed meeting at G-20 Summit 19 July 2017
Sean Spicer Said the Russia Meeting Was Just About Adoption. President Trump Said Otherwise 17 July 2017
Russia plans to ban 'baby boxes' for unwanted infants 29 September 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Malta registers lowest child adoption for 10 years 26 March 2016
Analyse der Adoptionsvermittlungen aus der Russischen Föderation nach Deutschland 1 January 2016
Faces of a stolen generation 13 April 2015
World Tendsto Reject Child Adoptionby US Citizens –Russian Ombudsman 19 February 2015
Aide to Vladimir Putin tells MailOnline parents are shirking their responsibility amid row with US over adoption 30 October 2014
Couple wants to void adoption of ‘mentally ill’ Russian orphans 26 October 2014
Aeroflot Takes Part in Train of Hope Charity Program 12 October 2014
Court opens to public American parents’ proceeding to cancel their adoption of Russian children 6 October 2014
Russia opens criminal case for negligence in adoption docs for child killed in Italy 20 July 2014
Italians continue to lead in the number of Russian adoptions 7 July 2014
Russia - press release Unicef politicizing Ukraine 23 April 2014
US Shatto family received ruling on annulment of Russian orphan adoption 20 February 2014
With all eyes on Russia, Kremlin expands ban on same-sex adoptions 13 February 2014
Moscou interdit l'adoption d'enfants par des Français célibataires 13 February 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
48 Hours Investigation Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story 20 January 2014
Russian-US agreement on cooperation over issue of children adoption annulled 1 January 2014
US Shatto family absent at adoption annulment hearing in Russia 20 December 2013
Couples looking to adopt in Russia may lose children 20 October 2013
Cold War Kids The international dispute over Russia’s orphans 1 October 2013
US provides list of more than 60,000 Russian children adopted by Americans – Astakhov 13 August 2013
OSCE Parliamentarians Back Resolution On Intercountry Adoption 3 July 2013
Wicker to Introduce International Adoption Resolution 27 June 2013
Under Child Adoption Threat, Ireland Drops Magnitsky List 2 May 2013
More adopted Russian kids at risk: Texas parents suspected of abuse 3 April 2013
Russian teen 'flees US adopters' 27 March 2013
Moscow to create database of Russian children with foreign families – Lavrov 22 March 2013
Adopted children are used as medical ‘guinea pigs’ in U.S for pharmaceutical companies to test new drugs 13 March 2013
Thousands rally in Moscow to support US adoption ban 2 March 2013
Russian demonstrators rally in support of U.S. adoption ban 2 March 2013
Birth mother of adopted boy who died in the US wants to reclaim his brother 21 February 2013
Death of adopted Russian child in U.S. spurs anger in Moscow 20 February 2013
Russia worried orphan 'harmed by lesbian couple' 20 February 2013
Adopted kids in US not supervised by state officials - Roelie Post to RT (TF: Russia Today) 19 February 2013
Russian children's rights ombudsman wants to end foreign adoption 19 February 2013
3-year-old Russian boy killed by American adoptive mother in Texas 18 February 2013
Russian Deputy Proposes Amendment To Adoption Ban Law 29 December 2012
Russian President outlined the priorities of state policy for the protection of orphans and children without parental care 28 December 2012
Russian President Vladimir Putin signs bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children 28 December 2012
Pavel Astakhov - "KP": "Dima Yakovlev yet wasn't an orphan, and him already showed to Americans!" 27 December 2012
KP", "Dima Yakovlev was not an orphan, but it has already been shown to Americans!" 27 December 2012
Russian Measure Banning Adoptions by American Citizens Is Sent to Putin 26 December 2012
Interview ACT: Russian parliament outlaws American adoptions 26 December 2012
Russian lawmakers pass ban on U.S. adoption 21 December 2012
In Magnitsky Tit-For-Tat, Russia's Orphans Become Political Poker Chips 20 December 2012
The adoption of the law in the United States on "Magnitsky list" and the response to it Russia 18 December 2012
Americans to be banned from adopting Russian children? 17 December 2012
US-Russia spat puts adoption couple in limbo 29 November 2012
Russia demands US grant access to adopted child subject to abuse 30 October 2012
Stranger in your own family? 20 September 2012
Russia OKs U.S. adoption deal 11 July 2012
Agencies suspended - Bulgaria 1 June 2012
REVIEW Supreme court adoption practice 23 May 2012
The Supreme Court has clarified the rights of adopted children from Russia 29 April 2012
Left out in the cold: Russian official demands full ban on US adoptions 29 February 2012
Russia may impose moratorium on child adoption for US 11 December 2011
American adoptive parents do not face death penalty 7 September 2011
Russia not satisfied by U.S. "angry mom" sentence 30 August 2011
Russia and the United States end adoption dispute 15 July 2011
U.S. man accused of raping Russian foster daughter says relations 'consensual' 6 June 2011
People looking overseas for babies 29 May 2011
Russian Adoptions Slow but not Stopped a Year after Uproar 7 April 2011
Russia, America conclude treaty on adoption 30 March 2011
L'ambassadeur français des adoptions s'inspire des Américains 17 March 2011
Prosecutor demands to the case of the adoption of children from Russia considered Court of Madrid 11 February 2011
American to apologize for ill-treating Russian adopted son 29 January 2011
US adoptive mother says she is not guilty of cruel treatment of Russian boy 28 January 2011
“We don’t know all cases of Russian child abuse abroad” - Ombudsman 28 January 2011
Appearance on Dr. Phil show leads to child abuse charge against Alaska woman 28 January 2011
Russian Situation 28 January 2011
Russian child rights ombudsman urges foreign adoption freeze 26 January 2011
Russia may ban US adoptions 23 January 2011
Russian ombudsman investigates another adopted child abuse case 22 January 2011
Russian ombudsman investigates another adopted child abuse case 22 January 2011
Ombudsman urges expediting adoption deal 21 January 2011
Les adoptions internationales en hausse de 14 % en France 12 January 2011
Russia, U.S. must agree 4 key points to complete adoption talks - ombudsman 3 December 2010
U.S. hopes to finalize talks on child adoption with Russia this week 1 December 2010
Russia, US to hold another round of talks on adoption 24 November 2010
Adopted boy returned to Russia wants to leave homeland again 19 November 2010
Astakhov to demand moratorium on adoptions by US citizens 12 November 2010
Russian Official Doesn't Rule Out Possible US Adoption Freeze 12 November 2010
Pressuring countries on adoption 'can lead to trafficking' 2 November 2010
Speech Susan Jacobs - US State Dep Briefing on International Adoption-Related Issues 1 November 2010
Russian child adoptions by foreigners drop 50% over last 5 years 18 October 2010
Russians threaten adoption hold-ups over spies 12 October 2010
'From Russia with Love' drama as new stolen Irish passport turns up 10 October 2010
Russia, US to sign adoption agreement by January –Children’s ombudsman 4 October 2010
Adopted Girl returned to Mothers “Shocking” Care 9 September 2010
US couple in court in Russian adoption abuse case 7 September 2010
Russia calls halt to Irish adoptions 5 September 2010
Couples get new hope for adoption 14 August 2010
Russia-U.S. adoption agreement to come into effect by yearend - ministry 21 July 2010
Everybody’s Children 5 July 2010
International briefs: Russia says adoption deal OK'd 17 June 2010
Pastors focus on missions, adoption 16 June 2010
Ombudsman says foreign adoptions suspended 21 May 2010
Germans illegally adopting children from Russia 19 May 2010
Russian FM says US adoptions should be frozen 19 May 2010
Russian orphans caught in adoption crossfire 9 May 2010
U.S. couples fear hurdles rising for foreign adoption 8 May 2010
Russia to present draft child adoption agreement to U.S. delegation 5 May 2010
U.S. families still adopting Russian children - minister 5 May 2010
Russian Orphanage Offers Love, but Not Families James Hill for The New York Times At Orphanage No. 11. in Moscow, the rooms are 3 May 2010
Russia drafts agreements on adoption with several European countries 29 April 2010
Experts: Orphanages can lead to kids' problems 18 April 2010
International adoption: Everyone wants the best for children 18 April 2010
Andrews asks parents to send adoption forms to Russia 13 April 2010
Russia puts Ireland on its blacklist for adoptions 10 April 2010
Russian Ministry of Education and Science releases new list of homestudy agencies with missing postplacement reports 10 April 2010
Mom, dad warned Dakota County: Boy is a danger 8 April 2010
Minister seeks to reopen Vietnam for Irish adoptions 4 April 2010
Supreme Court will hear the case of illegal adoptions of Russian children by the British ... 23 March 2010
Russians, Pa. Officials Meet On Boy's Death 20 March 2010
Christians needed to love orphans in Russia 12 March 2010
Russian officials call for suspension of adoptions to U.S. parents after death of Dillsburg-area boy 5 March 2010
Legislation about egg donation in Europe and in Russia 2010
Adoption group is under shadow 27 September 2009
Why more and more adoptive parents pass the orphans back to the orphanage 26 August 2009
Ties that bind: Families who adopted children from Russia gather together in Dover 20 July 2009
American Parents of Russian Adoptees Make Voices Heard in Russian Government 15 July 2009
More than 1,800 U.S. adoptees from Russia in 2008 16 June 2009
Portuguese court returns adopted child to Russian mother 19 May 2009
Tighten rules for adoption of Russian children by foreign (Lavrov) 16 April 2009
The State Duma Says "Nyet" to Moratorium 18 March 2009
Kids from another country, with a past 21 January 2009
MAPS Russia Programme 2009
Kemerovo Closed . . . 4 May 2008
crazy discussion on Romania 29 November 2007
Swiss adoptions from Russia 2007
Adoption fraud 5 July 2006
Illegaler Handel mit Babys 5 July 2006
Child Sex Abuse Victim Recounts Story to Whitfield's Subcommittee 3 May 2006
Our Adoption Story – Orenburg/Orsk trip with Frank Adoption Center – Raleigh, NC 2006
A Russian baby? That’ll be €17,000 18 December 2005
Adopting a Russian Orphan 1 December 2005
Russians Don't Support Ban on Foreign Foster Families 21 July 2005
Illegal Adoption to be Heard in Court Again 19 January 2005
Orphans, Violence in the Family, Homeless children, Handicapped children, Children-Prisoners 19 October 2004
KIDSAVE: Over 1,000 Happy Endings 1 August 2004
Diakonie Heidelberg als erster deutscher Adoptionsdienst in der russischen Föderation akkreditiert 29 April 2004
Kidsave Miracle Walk for Orphans 1 July 2002
Meeting of Nina Kostina with Krasnodar Governor 21 November 2001
Kidsave: Adoption by 'tryout' 20 June 2001
Russia?€™s Exported Children 9 February 2001
Child frustrates professional parents 14 August 2000
Overwhelmed families dissolve adoptions 14 August 2000
Couple open home to orphans 11 October 1999
Doctors aid couples in adoption of Russian children 10 July 1998
Russia: Foreign Adoption Agency Invites Tight Screening 9 December 1997
Hands Off Our Babies, a Georgian Tells America 29 June 1997
From Russia (or China or Peru or Bucharest) with love 1 November 1995
Declaration of the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council ("The Brussels Summit Declaration'') 11 January 1994
Would-Be American Parents Find Russian Adoptions Difficult 20 February 1992
Russian authorities say received no reports of adopted orphan abuse
FT investigation finds Ukrainian children on Russian adoption sites
UN says Russia must not ban adoption
Russian Orphans Arrive