Russian President outlined the priorities of state policy for the protection of orphans and children without parental care

28 December 2012

Russian President outlined the priorities of state policy for the protection of orphans and children without parental care

Presidential Decree of 28.12.2012 N 1688 "On some measures to implement the state policy in the sphere of protection of orphans and children left without parental care"

With the entry into force on 1 January 2013 of the Federal Law "On Measures against persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation", as well as to improve public policy to protect the rights of children, the Government RF is required before February 15, 2013 to take decisions to ensure, in particular:

create mechanisms to support Russian citizens intending to adopt (adopt), take care (guardianship, patronage) orphans and children without parental care and families caring for foster children;

simplification of procedures for the transfer to the adoption (adoption), custody (guardianship, patronage), providing in particular, reduction of requirements to the standard in the area of ??the dwelling unit for children in foster care, reducing the list submitted by the citizens of the Russian Federation to the authorities the documents and longer their actions;

establish procedures for medical examination of citizens intending to adopt (adopt), take care (guardianship, patronage) orphans and children left without parental care.

Prior to March 1, 2013 the State Duma shall be made draft federal laws providing for:

tax breaks to parents who adopt (adopt) a child, including a child with a disability, as well as parents who have adopted (adopt) the second and subsequent children;

increase from 1 January 2013 the social pension to disabled children and disabled from childhood I group to 8704 rubles a month;

increase from January 1, 2013 the size of a lump sum at the child for care of a family, the Federal Law "On State benefits to citizens with children";

changing set of the age difference between the adopter, not married, and adopted child, leaving the final decision to the discretion of the court.

In addition, until 15 February 2013 shall be submitted suggestions, in particular, increase the size of the compensation paid to carers of disabled children aged under 18 years, the subjects of the Russian Federation of incentives for the establishment and payment of monthly remuneration guardians (trustees ), adoptive parents, foster parents, bringing to 2018 the average salary of teachers of educational, medical institutions or organizations that provide social services to orphans and children left without parental care, and 100 percent of the average wage in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation.

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Publication date: 29/12/2012