REVIEW Supreme court adoption practice
23 May 2012

Of approved Mr.

Presidium of the Supreme Court

Russian Federation

May 23, 2012


Supreme Court

practice of considering the 2011 regional and an equal

court cases of adoption of children by foreign nationals or

stateless persons, as well as the citizens of the Russian

Federation permanently residing outside the territory

Russian Federation

One of the most pressing public issues of modern Russia

remains ? tsya problem of protecting the rights and interests of children and

especially children-orphans and children without parental care


Often, children without parental care due to

deprivation of both or a single parent of parental rights, the refusal

born of a single mother of the child, the death of parents, and

for other reasons.

In these situations, I get up ? t the fate of these children.

Since it is the family education provides health,

physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of children,

Adoption is the preferred form of child

without parental care.

The main social purpose of adoption is to create

children who have lost parental care, the most favorable

environment to live and raise a family environment.

In accordance with Article 21 ? th Convention on the Rights of the child

inter-country adoption may be considered as

alternative care for the child, if the edges can not knock ?

be transferred to a foster or Indoor ? n the family, which could

provide its foster placement or adoption, if software

an appropriate care in the country of origin of the child

is not impossible.

Thus, Reb ? NOC has the right as possible

brought up in the country of origin.


Page 2


Article 124 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - SC

RF) also enshrines the principle of priority of Russian citizens to

foreign nationals in the adoption of minors.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of this rule adoptions

foreign citizens or persons without citizenship allowed


First, it is impossible to pass on adoptions

children in families of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently

residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, or to

adoption families of these children, regardless of nationality or

place of residence of the family;

second, six months have elapsed from the date of receipt of information

such children to the federal data bank of children without

parental care.

There is a view that is widespread in Russia

international adoption, and Russian citizens adopt

Children rarely. Yet such a view does not find its


Thus, according to statistics, in 2009 the district

ships with the decision, was considered 16,863 cases on

Statement by Russian citizens on adoption of children without

parental care, with 16 747 cases were reviewed with

satisfaction statements.

In 2010, with the decision, considered 15,513 of these cases,

of which granted 15,415 applications. During 12 months of 2011 with

judgment examined 15,218 cases of allegations

Russian citizens about the adoption of children, of whom 15,076

applications were granted.

As for cases of international adoption, in 2009,

year with the decision, and an equal regional courts was

3427 examined such cases (granted 3420 statements) that 4.9

times less than the cases of adoption of children by Russian citizens

examined by the courts in the same period.

In 2010, with the decision examined 2990 cases

international adoption, which is 5.2 times less than in the same

period considered cases of adoption of children by Russian


During the 12 months of 2011, with the decision reviewed by 3076

cases of international adoption (including satisfaction

Requirements - 3069 cases), which is 4.9 times less than in the same period

ordered the adoption of children by Russian citizens (15



Page 3


Percentage satisfaction of applications, both Russian and foreign

citizens about the adoption of children is high.

Thus, in 2009, the courts granted 99.3% of reported

Adoption of Children by Russian citizens in 2010 - 99.4%

statements, in 2011 - 99.1% of the applications.

In cases of international adoption in 2009

satisfied 99.8% of applications in 2010 and 2011 the percentage of

clearing applications was 99.7%, and 99.8%, respectively.

On adoption of children, including foreign

citizens, are constantly in view of the Supreme Court

The Russian Federation.

Clarification on




regulating relations on adoption of children, are contained in

Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 20

April 2006 ? 8 "On application by courts of law in

cases of adoption (adoption order) children "(hereinafter -

Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 20

April 2006 number 8).

Upon review of the cases of international adoption

Russian children (as of December 23, 2011), can be

note the following.

In 2011, in cases of inter-country adoption of children

considered with appreciation the statements, adoptive parents often

all were U.S. citizens (28%), and Italian citizens (21%)

and Spain (20%).

In addition, adoptive parents were citizens of France (8%),

Germany (7%), Ireland (4%), Israel (3%), Canada (2%),

The UK (1.5%), Finland (1%), Malta (1%), Sweden (1%),

Argentina (0.4%), Belgium (0.3%).

The small number of adopters (1 to 6 cases) were,

In particular, citizens of Switzerland, Austria, Cyprus, Ukraine,

Kazakhstan, Greece, Mexico.

The greatest number of cases of international adoption

2011 discussed with the decision, the St. Petersburg

Municipal Court (314 cases), the Moscow City Court (187 cases)

Perm regional court (case 181), the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court

(137 cases), the Kemerovo regional court (124 cases), Khabarovsk

Regional Court (110 cases), the Kirov district court (103 cases),

Saratov regional court (100 cases), the Sverdlovsk Oblast

Court (97 cases), the Moscow Regional Court (94 cases),

Novosibirsk Regional Court (92 cases) and Primorye territories

Court (91 case).


Page 4


Spend ? nnoe generalization showed that almost all

regional courts and equal to them today introduced

specialization of judges to hear cases of international

Adoption of Children, which is a positive thing.

This category of cases in the courts generally considered to be one

judge either two or three judges.

For example, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Bashkortostan,

Tver, Kirov, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Novgorod and

Pskov oblast courts in 2011, such cases are considered one

a judge in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the Krasnoyarsk






Leningrad, Saratov and Smolensk oblast courts

considered two judges, in the Tula regional court - three judges.

Given that the adoption - a complicated legal institution of

correct choice of adoptive families, which passed

Reb ? films, depends on his fate and mistakes in adoption are not allowed,

it appears that such cases should be considered the most

experienced and trained judges who have knowledge and skills in

its investigation.

Current legislation in detail the process

adoption of children, including the procedure for the consideration of such cases in


Thus, the composition of those involved in the adoption of the child,

defined by paragraph 1 of Article 125 of the Family Code and Article 273 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,

according to which the application for adoption is considered to

mandatory participation of adoptive parents (parent), a representative

guardianship authority, the prosecutor, the child over the

age of fourteen, and where necessary, their parents,

other stakeholders, and most of the child at the age of ten to

fourteen years.

It should be noted that if the Supreme Court during the

The Russian Federation in 2010 generalization of judicial practice

cases of international adoptions were cases when

adoptee Reb ? films, has reached the age of 14, was not involved in

trial, in 2011, according to information

provided by provincial and equal to them by the courts, such violations

was not allowed.

On the issue of participation in the hearing of the child at the age of

ten to fourteen vessels should continue

guided by the explanation given in paragraph 4 of resolution

Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on April 20, 2006

, the number 8. In Mr. ? m with the account of how the provisions of Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of

of the child and of Article 57 of the RF IC pointed out that in this matter


Page 5


the judge should proceed from the right of the child to be heard in

any judicial proceedings affecting their interests. And

Only then, and only if there is reason to believe that the presence of

of the child in court could have an adverse effect on him,

Judge finds out about this view of the Guardianship and


As noted, the adoption of children - the citizens of the Russian

Federation by foreign citizens, persons without citizenship

Russian nationals permanently residing

outside the territory of the Russian Federation, is permitted only in

cases where it was not possible to transfer these children to

children in families of citizens of the Russian Federation permanently

residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, or

adoption of children, regardless of family residence and

citizenship of those relatives.

In order to establish these circumstances, the courts should

demand from the guardianship and custody papers

confirming the failure to communicate of the child in the care of

seven citizens of the Russian Federation or to adopt

relatives of the child, proof of the presence of information

adopter of Reb ? nke in the federal data bank on children

without parental care, as well as documents containing

information on the child-care authorities,

federal and regional operator actions on the device

(Assistance in the unit) of the child left without

parental care for children in families of citizens of the Russian

Federation permanently residing in the territory of the Russian


A positive solution to the question of adoption of the child,

a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign

citizens in the absence of compliance with the law on the admission

measures to the device of the child in a family of Russian citizens is unacceptable.

For example, against decisions of the civil

Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2011

reversed the decision of the Kamchatka Regional Court of 11 April 2011,

which was granted on the application of Spanish

adoption order minor.

As established by the court of appeal, in the official

signing the guardianship no information

as adoptive relatives of the child, and the measures taken

authorized officials for the purpose of establishing

transfer of the child to the family relatives. During the hearing

representatives of the department of custody and guardianship administration


Page 6




District Ministry

Education and Science of Kamchatka were not informed of any court

measures taken to establish the family of the child with a view to

transfer to their family, citing a lack of information about

relatives, except for the grandmother of the child.

Investigating the case, the trial court prosecutor

making the application for the recovery of additional information about


in view of the child

omission authorized

officials, but it was upheld by the court

satisfaction. Meanwhile, as a result of the prosecutor's check was

received information that there are underage girls

relatives on the father's side - m ? cha and grandmother, who

live in Kamchatka, and they object to the

Adoption girls foreigners. Moreover, according to

Conclusion The main doctor Mkuze "Town House of the child - medical

establishment of maternal and child health, "the city of Petropavlovsk-

Kamchatka t cha ? agreed to take the girl in the care of their


In addition, the court ignored, and the fact that two

brother are in the care of a minor Russian citizens


The following example. One of the grounds on which

Kostroma Regional Court rejected the application

U.S. citizen adoption of the child, was that the authorities

guardianship were not adopted the necessary measures to

device of the child to the family of citizens of the Russian Federation, namely

after six months from the date of posting of the child on academic ? tons

federal database girl as the Court's findings the guardianship

Russian citizens and care was offered, the work on

device of the child to the family of Russian citizens was actually

stopped, and after the issuance of foreign adoptive parents

aimed at providing the per child ? Nkomo after the deadline

under paragraphs 24 and 29 of the Rules of the State

data bank on children without parental care, and

supervising the formation and use,

nnyh of approved by the Government of the Russian Federation

April 4, 2002, ? 217, in which the foreign

citizen is obliged to inform in writing appropriate

operator to file their application to the court for adoption of the child,

Reb ? films for a long time to other candidates

adoptive parents, including Russian ones, are not offered. Meanwhile

applicant and e ? representative (usynovitelnym agency) process

document collection and submission to the court took more than 10 months,


Page 7


this time, the health of girls has improved, and the court

set of adoptive parents of Russian citizens

wishing to adopt a child 'of that age and sex.

In another case, the Kaliningrad Regional Court was

terminated the proceedings in connection with the refusal of U.S. citizens

application for adoption of two children, because, as

found the children had relatives and children were placed under the

guardianship of relatives.

Court's conclusion that it is impossible to transfer of the child to grow up in

family of citizens of the Russian Federation with the account of how the requirements of Article 198

CPC RF must be motivated in the judgment.

However, despite the evidence in the records of

on the adoption of the guardianship authorities measures to

the transfer of the child to grow up in a family of Russian citizens, about

in each quarter of the mouth ? the court order in 2011, with

meet stated foreign adoptive parents are not reflected

data about who specifically of Russian citizens offered

Reb ? films on education and why they have refused to take the child 'to


For the above problem commendable

practice of the courts, which under the circumstances test

carefully and reflect them in their decisions.

The persons who have expressed a desire to be foster parents, law

(Article 127 of the Family Code) imposes Define ? nnye requirements. Their

compliance is the guarantee of the rights of minors

children placed for adoption.

These requirements include, in particular, the presence of

applicants the necessary material and living conditions for

provide children with the full physical, mental,

spiritual and moral development, lack of disease

under which the person can not adopt the child.

In cases of inter-country adoption of children courts

have to figure out the financial position of the adopters, their housing

conditions, employment, education and similar circumstances and

to give them a proper assessment.

However, esch ? are cases where the courts not

fully investigate these circumstances and do not represent them in their


For example, against decisions of the civil

Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on June 7, 2011

reversed the decision of the Kamchatka Regional Court on 29 March 2011

which was granted on the application of Spanish

adoption order of the minor child '.


Page 8


As indicated by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme

Court of the Russian Federation, the trial court, in violation of

Article 67, paragraph 1 of Article 195, paragraph 4 of Article 198 of Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation in

Investigating the case, did not examine the documents containing

information about the financial and housing adopters, and

reflected in the own decision concluded that indicate whether the data

information about the adequacy of the conditions for the full content

the adopted child '.

Furthermore, contrary to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 124 and paragraph

third paragraph 1 of Article 123 of the RF IC court did not examine the issue of

religion of adoptive parents and the admissibility of the religion to

ensure full spiritual and moral development

adoptee, adoptive parents to provide opportunities Reb ? NKU

physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.

The own decision the trial court referred to the fact that

the health of the child confirmed the medical report

the expert committee of the Ministry of Health of the Kamchatka

edge. Meanwhile, in the court's decision is not assessed this health

Finally, the Court does not have the presence or absence



diseases, not


whether the applicants are aware about the health of the adoptee

of the child, whether they have in the event of any of the child

with health care and carry out necessary

provide appropriate treatment, and found that there is not

near the residence of the adoptive parents of medical institutions.

Given this, the Trial Chamber for Civil Cases

Supreme Court reversed the decision of the court.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly drawn

attention of the judges on the need for a thorough investigation

these circumstances. In the review of jurisprudence on

cases of international adoption, prepared by the Supreme

Court of the Russian Federation in 2010 and sent to all

regional courts and their peers, it was pointed

inadmissibility of making such decisions, in which the assessment of personality

adoptive parents, their financial situation, housing yes ? tsya


phrases, without specifying what



individualize the applicants and to understand why the court cq ? l possible

meet their application for adoption of the child.

In addressing the issue of lack of applicants diseases

Let them be adoptive parents, courts use

List of diseases, under which a person can not adopt

of the child, take him under guardianship (custody), for accepting to take mnuyu


Page 9


family of approved nnym Government Decree

Federation from May 1, 1996 ? 542.

A number of courts take into account the medical

conclusions about the state of health issued to the applicant by

test results, experts in different areas

medicine in a foreign country of which they

are. This situation in 2011 took place in almost every

Thurs ? mouth business adoption (29% of cases).

However, it should be noted that in 2011, when considering

cases of international adoption courts enforced candidates

adoptive parents, along with the existing opinion of foreign doctors

States as well as in cases where the court was presented

certificate issued by a family doctor (GP)

submit additional medical evidence obtained in

procedure established for the citizens of the Russian Federation.

For example, a judge of the regional court of Tver


consideration in the 2011 cases of international adoption is not

admitted sufficient proof of medical records

foreign adoptive parents, issued as a family

doctor (GP), and on the results of complex

medical examination in the country of residence. All adoptive parents

further medical examination for medical

institutions of the Russian Federation, based on which they

medical evidence presented to the court in design.

Such findings in 2011 were presented adopters

almost every second case considered by the courts in the disposition

solutions to satisfy the claims (53% of cases).

However esch ? there are cases in which assessment

his health courts take into account the medical

certificate issued by a family doctor or general practitioner,

recognizing them as valid evidence of health

adoptive parents and not requiring them to represent any other

medical reports.

In 2011, such cases have occurred for 204 cases, or 6.8%

cases dealt with the decision to grant

statements, half of which (102 cases) is for cases in

adopters who are the citizens of the United States (according to the data

presented by the courts on December 23, 2011).

Meanwhile, in the review of judicial practice in cases of this

category, prepared in 2010, the Supreme Court of the Russian

Federal courts paid attention to the fact that a licensed physician

general practice in the United States the right to put a pre-


Page 10


diagnoses, and the final - only a specialist in the definition ? nnoy

the medical field.

As children, including in adoption, have the right to

normal family, it should be noted that although the Russian

law does not prohibit the adoption of children

single persons, however, in each case, the courts

necessary to carefully examine the question of whether this is

circumstance under the laws of the State

obstacle to the adoption of the child, and whether such

citizens, especially when they adopt sick children,

to provide them with proper care, they have this

appropriate financial resources if they are ready

morally educate these children, overcoming all the difficulties have

Do they have experience raising children, whether their decision to

Adoption hasty, if they have relatives who can

assist them in raising their children, and whether they wish to provide such


As of December 23, 2011, in 2011, from 393 cases

adopters were single citizens. Of these, 390 - women

the majority of whom are citizens of the United States (155)

Spain (70), Israel (50) and France (49).

In addition, in 2011 (as of December 23, 2011)

adopters were three men, unmarried (all three

are citizens of Spain). Decision to recognize these individuals

adoptive parents were taken Smolensk Regional Court (2 cases)

and the Nizhny Novgorod regional court (1 case).

In some cases, the courts, fully investigate the circumstances of the case,

reasonably refuse the application of single

adoptive parents of adopted children.

For example, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Karelia

on February 17, 2011 rejected an application

U.S. citizen adoption of two children (1998 and 1999


As established by the court, the applicant turned 39 years old, he never

not married, has no children, he does not have a parent

experience. In addition, he works full-time, data on the intention

change the work schedule in the direction of increasing the amount of free

time for the education of two children, as well as on how to

may affect its financial security, the court

was provided.

Given the aforementioned circumstances, the court COME ? we have concluded

that the applicant can not provide children with the necessary care and


Page 11


sufficient attention, the boys would not receive a full

development in the single-parent family.

In addition, the court also uch ? l that children have negative experiences

stay in the family for accepting me, it was applied to psychological

trauma: in May 2009, children were placed in a children's home in connection with the

abolition of guardianship. However, during the period when the children's home

children calm down, have the opportunity in education in

public institutions in developing a comprehensive and harmonious, in

for their exercise due care. Assessing the combined

presented evidence in the case, the court COME ? we have concluded

that the transfer of children for adoption by a U.S. citizen of

circumstances will not match their interests and lead ? t

violation of their rights.

Against decisions in civil cases

Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on May 10, 2011 this

the court's decision upheld.

In judicial practice, there are cases of adoption

foreign nationals of the child having a brother or take ? p

also deprived of parental care, for which

question of adoption applicants is not assigned. This is acceptable only

when children do not know each other, never socialize,

in different institutions. The court must determine and

discuss, as required by paragraph 3 of Article 124 of the RF IC, the question of

whether the interests of the adopted child 'intercountry adoption

no brother or sister.

Thus, one of the circumstances in which the Supreme Court

Republic of Bashkortostan dismissed the application for

adoption of the child, was the presence of the adopted child '

older sister who knows and remembers her younger sister, shows

affection for her, wants to live with her. In addition, as

the Court's findings, the applicant is single, lives alone, works

a nurse in the intensive care unit, teachers ? tons

College, Leading ? t active, in which, as we have COME ?

the court concluded, it will be unable to Reb ? NKU appropriate care and

attention it needs for health.

Based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 165 of the RF IC judges

deal with cases of international adoption of children, should

investigate foreign law. This, in particular,

necessary in order to establish the absence of any obstacles

for that person to be an adoptive parent (for example, whether

constraints due to the difference in age of the adopter and

adoptee, if the application is filed for adoption alone

person, that is not this case for legislation


Page 12


the State obstacle to adoption of the child and


The need to clarify these circumstances brought

attention of the judges and in paragraph 14 of Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme

Court of the Russian Federation on April 20, 2006 ? 8.

It should be noted that not all court decisions reflected

what specific




investigated by the court and the conclusion to which l COME ? court following his

research. So 831 on a decision made with satisfaction

statements (as of December 23, 2011), no analysis

foreign law.

This lack of judges to be removed.

Given that the documents provided by the applicant,

should be properly documented (article 271 CCP RF)

The Supreme Court has repeatedly explained to the courts,

including The Resolution of April 20, 2006, ? 8

(Paragraph "d" of paragraph 14) on the need for a thorough check

documents of foreign adoptive parents for their legalization

established procedure, and in cases where no legalization

required - on the need to pay attention to compliance

order of the certificate provided for in Article 4






official documents, done at The Hague on October 5, 1961


is to issue the certificate on the document itself or on

separate sheet attached to the document, in compliance with the Apostille

the model annexed to the Convention.

Generalization of judicial practice has shown that the courts verify

documents submitted by applicants for the proper


Paragraph 18 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court

Federation on April 20, 2006 ? 8 to the attention of ships out

that in exceptional circumstances, due to which

slowdown in the performance of an adoption may

impossibility of the execution, the court, on the basis of Article 212 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,

may, at the request of the adoptive parents (parent) to appeal the decision to the

effect immediately when you need urgent hospitalization

adopted for a course of treatment and (or) operational

interference and delay jeopardizes the lives and health

the child.

As of December 23, 2011, immediately

execution were given 43 judgments, representing 1.4

% Of decisions to grant applications, and only 16

cases this was due to the need for urgent hospitalization


Page 13


of the child, and (or) the need for surgical intervention

health adopted the child.

Commendable practice of the courts, which


When identified in the consideration of cases of international adoption

Children violations by authorized bodies react to these

violations by issuing individual rulings.

In 2011, the provincial and its equal courts issued

21 private definition.

Management legislation systematization

and analysis of judicial practice of the Supreme Cour