Adopted Girl returned to Mothers “Shocking” Care

9 September 2010


Adopted Girl returned to Mothers “Shocking” Care

Posted by Josh on September 9, 2010 · Leave a Comment
A seven year old girl that once lived with her adoptive parents in Portugal has been returned to live with her birth mother. Now, the adoptive parents in Portugal have expressed outrage as they have witnessed the shocking conditions that the girl is now living in since being returned to her mother’s care.
Sandra Zarubina was given away for adoption by her biological mother when she was extremely young and she was then adopted by a family in Portugal. Now, the biological mother has decided that she has changed her mind about the adoption and has claimed the child back. The adoptive parents in Portugal say that the child is now living in shocking conditions and say that the child would have been better off in their care.
Footage has been released of shocking treatment of the child since returning to her biological mother and some of the footage shows the child repeatedly smacked and abused. The girl is also said to be living in much worse conditions than she was when with her adoptive parents and the adoptive parents are hoping to gain access of the child once again.