Russians Don't Support Ban on Foreign Foster Families

21 July 2005

Russians Don't Support Ban on Foreign Foster Families - Poll Interfax
Jul 21 2005 2:50PM
Eighty-one percent of Russians do not plan to adopt a child, and 61% think the government should not ban the adoption of Russian children by foreign foster families, the Russian Public Opinion Studies Center (VTsIOM) told Interfax on Thursday.
Only 32% of respondents in the June poll held in 153 cities, towns and villages in 46 regions of Russia said the adoption of Russian children by foreign families must be banned.
Forty percent of them said "it is impossible to control the life of children adopted by foreign families" and 35% said "the children might fall into the hands of criminals."
Thirty-five percent, including 41% of pensioners and 46% of uneducated people, think that only Russian citizens should be allowed to adopt Russian children.
Thirteen percent said adoption by foreign foster families would weaken the national gene pool, and another 13% said it was necessary to solve the problem of neglected children.
Women and people aged between 35 and 59 are more concerned about the impossibility to control the life of adopted children (43% and 43- 45%, respectively).
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