Legislation about egg donation in Europe and in Russia


Legislation about egg donation in Europe and in Russia

Legislation on egg donation in Europe and in Russia

Not all countries give permission to women to donate eggs. That is the strong obstacle for women who want to receive egg donation in Europe. Russia is one of the European countries where the laws are most liberal when it comes to legislation related to egg donation. Donor anonymity is guaranteed, and donors are compensated by clinics. This means that it is possible for us at AVA-Peter to uphold a database of egg donors who are willing to offer their services to childless couples or single women.

The rules on donating eggs

Russia is one of the few countries with no considerable legal restrictions on egg donation in Europe. It allows anonymous egg donation as long as the donor’s age is between 20 and 35 and has at least one healthy child of her own. Donation by a donor you know is also allowed, for example when the donor is a female relative or friend.

There are surely some regulations that all Russian fertility clinics like AVA-Peter must follow. For example, the private information of donors and recipients must be kept confidentially, and are subject to medical secrecy. The medical secrecy regulations also mean that identifying information on a patient may not be disclosed to an anonymous donor, or vice-versa. We treat the rules regarding anonymity with respect. Furthermore, no information about the fact that a baby was conceived via egg donation will be revealed by AVA-Peter to the child. We believe this is the best option to protect parents, the donor and the child. It is entirely your choice what you decide to tell your child.

However, egg recipients do have the right to know some data about the person who donates eggs. This includes some of the donor’s important medical details, a description of her appearance, and her nationality. To keep the donor’s anonymity, no photographs are given to the patients. Doctors at AVA-Peter are allowed to have photos of donors, and can compare these to the photographs of the recipient in order to make a good match. We also meet all our donors in person, and offer recipients the opportunity to meet us personally previously to making a match.

Under Russian law, Russian couples who are married and have given informed consent for fertility treatment are registered as parents of a baby born as the result of that treatment. This includes children born as a result of egg donation. In most European countries, the woman who gives birth to a child is concidered as the legal mother.

Many clinics throughout Europe have strong restrictive age limits for egg recipients. Some clinics even refuse in a treat for women aged over 40. At AVA-Peter, we treat egg recipients up to the age of 50.

Interested in egg donation at AVA-Peter?

Please first fill in our questionnaire This will be assessed by one of our experienced doctors, who will then get in touch with you using your preferred contact method.

If you have any questions, an English-speaking receptionist is available to take your call on 007 81 2336 3059 between 07:00-14:00 Central European time (06.00-13.00 UK time). You can also reach us by e-mail at info@clinic.avapeter.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

Very kind regards,

Your AVA-Peter team

Related pages in other lnguages: English Egg donation Deutsch Eizellspende Netherlands Eiceldonatie Dansk Ægdonation
