KP", "Dima Yakovlev was not an orphan, but it has already been shown to Americans!"
27 December 2012

Pavel Astakhov - "KP", "Dima Yakovlev was not an orphan, but it has already been shown to Americans!" Comments: 148

Our reporter got through to the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights

An audit of how the adoption process came Dima Yakovlev, whose name is informally called scandalous law, suddenly it turned out that the signature home grandmother in a document on its rejection of custody Dima - a fake! And on the basis of a "document" and the child was sent in the American family, which eventually killed him, "forgetting" the boy in the heat in a closed car.

Who exactly has falsified signatures, and how many of these cases we have - we asked the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Pavel Astakhov.

- What will happen to these officials that go to this kind of fraud, and that you are therefore going to do?

- First, in the Pskov region has already left the team Investigation Committee. I sent a letter to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin to conduct a pre-investigation checks, and if there are grounds to open a criminal case against these unscrupulous officials do not know what they are level - municipal or regional.

- No specific names?

- This question is the investigation, who knows - who forged the signature ... Second, it turned out one more fact in the course of our investigation. Our representative found that Dima Yakovlev introduced to Americans, Harrison family, in early November 2007. And the status of orphans, he received only 18 December 2007! That is, it started to show a half months before he became an orphan! Can you imagine a boy still at my mom, it is not deprived of parental rights, and the business has already gone!

The third factor - the fact that his own sister in Russia is under guardianship. This is a gross violation, we can not separate brothers and sisters. All this - a very good reason for the criminal case.

- With her ??sister, who lives in the Russian family, nothing bad will happen?

- Information about these cases, there has been no ...

- We have many such cases were identified?

- I turned to Bastrykin requested to instruct and to test for all cases of the death and suffering of our children in America, and all such cases to see how the adoption took place. In my practice, we have three experienced care fraud. Denis Khokhryakov, is adopted by drug traffickers. He was taken to the Dominican Republic, and then bail drugs and left there. In this case, by the way, the expert tutelage of convicted and sentenced to 1.5 years for forgery conclusion on housing, although no shelter and was not, and was false certificate.

The second situation: Artyom Savelyev. removal of the child abroad may, if he has no relatives in Russia is not, or they do not have custody of, or refusal to eat. In his case this information was. And it turned out that my grandfather had lived in Primorye. Now Dima Yakovlev ... I suspect that we have almost every other situation this would be.

- Will check all adoptions by Americans?

- Of course, but you need to Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office connects ... Now it turns out that the adoption of Dima Yakovlev was worth 86,000 dollars ... Russian who comes along and wants to adopt would not be able to pay such a sum. And American arrives and immediately ready.

Americans have always been willing to pay for the "acceleration", it suits them. Although they have antikorruptstsionny act that haunts those who even give bribes abroad ... Then there are strange documents, and some conclusions are written quickly ... The boy leaves with strange destiny. Turbid water, pile some dark schemes, individuals ...


Magnitsky - Yakovlev: Let him explain presidential

A feeling that the American and Russian lawmakers act on a "fool"

William Dunkerley, media analyst (USA) - especially for the "KP":

First, the Americans take the "Magnitsky Act" to punish Russia for "human rights violations". In retaliation, the Russians are taking the "law of Dima Yakovlev" to punish America. President Obama has signed into law. President Putin have not yet done. Do I need to and it turned into an unnecessary game that will then go to the next round?

Putin called the "law of Magnitsky" humiliating for the country. But I have seen with what he can shine out of these situations. In 2006, at the State Kremlin Palace, penetrated into the hall the National Bolsheviks tried to disrupt his speech to the World Newspaper Congress, raising the cry of "Russia without Putin!" But the president calmly told the audience that the palace was built for the Congresses of the Communist Party and the Bolsheviks time from time to time there are going to continue.

The audience cheered. Respect for Putin grew. National Bolsheviks found themselves in the cold.

Putin fully able to constructively resolve the situation provoked by the U.S. and Russian lawmakers.

President Obama does not need a "law Magnitsky" of what he said in public. It's not even an American initiative. It is obvious that this is the work of international provocateurs trying to destabilize Russia and undermine its leaders. Against Russia regularly and is very professional information war. The American public is already accustomed to the fact that the "Russia invaded Georgia", the "Kremlin murder journalists," etc.

Obama has to deal with members of Congress, many of them, believe me, do not realize that they are being manipulated. It turns out that the President signed into law, pursuing very different goals than those recorded in the text. And your president has to decide whether it will respond to the provocation. It is hard to imagine a more inopportune time for such a decision. "The law of Dima Yakovlev", which looks like a violation of the rights of children, taken at a time when America has not yet recovered from the deaths of two dozen children in Newtown in my home state of Connecticut. A gift to those who are "the worse the better."

What can the president in such a situation? I think Putin will only benefit if the people here will understand what they are dealing with. It would be wise if your president as soon as possible, explained it all to Obama. Then he said, would be directly to the Americans that their government attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia make the situation worse for everyone.

In English: It's Time for Putin and Obama to Have an Urgent Talk. By William Dunkerley

Johan Backman, a Finnish human rights activist:

- I support the idea of ??the Russian response to the "law of Magnitsky." We were recently in Finland came to some American - to lobby for the adoption of this "law of Magnitsky." Finland no relation to this law has not. But apparently, someone has enough money to push through and we have this idea. Not only in America, there is the problem of bullying of the adopted children from Russia. In Finland, many Russian mothers and their children suffered from the Finnish authorities. We even thought to recommend that some Finnish officials in the "list of Dima Yakovlev". For example, our fellow MFA Petelyaynena who secretly brought from St. Petersburg to Finland in the trunk of his dipmashiny young Russians Anton Salonen.

Alexander Rahr, expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations:

- I agree with Putin, it's just a blatant fact, when the American justice system does not allow Russian diplomats to take part in the investigation of gross violations by Russian child, taken in the American family. The fact that the representatives of Russia kicked out of the courtroom and nothing to inform, it is, of course, unacceptable.
