Abandoned in an orphanage in Cluj, adopted in Germany. Alex is now an activist and has traveled the world

20 August 2021

Abandoned in a center in Cluj, Alex Kuch had the chance to be adopted by a family from Germany. He moved to New Zealand, where he graduated from university, and has now returned to Germany.

Before he was adopted, Alex used to sway back and forth, due to a lack of affection and stimulation, things he did not receive in the orphanage.

At the first psychological evaluation after he was adopted and taken to Germany, a psychologist told his parents that Alex would not be able to lead a normal life, he would barely finish high school, and the university, no way.

In short, the psychologist said that Alex will not be able to have what society considers a normal life. "Well, it seems the psychologist was right. Indeed, Alex has not led a normal life so far ... Alex was adopted from an orphanage in Cluj-Napoca, in 1997, by a family from Germany. In the 24 years since his adoption, Alex has traveled the world. In 2006, his parents moved to New Zealand and since then, every year they have spent their holidays in the most attractive places in the world ", said Azota Popescu, president of the Catharsis Association, who invited him many times in Romania.

Graduate in New Zealand

Meanwhile, Alex studied and participated in a series of TEDx conferences on adoption, co-led a research in the field of adoption psychology, organized a lobby group on Facebook to reopen international adoption in Romania and participated in the most important public debates on adoption, organized in Brasov and in the Romanian Parliament, where he spoke about his experiences. Graduate in New Zealand Alex studied Politics and International Relations at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and his professional attractions include: co-presenting research on adoption at the largest International Adoption Conference (ICAR6) in Montreal, Canada , involvement in community and youth development, sustainability projects for New Zealand's largest retailer, The Warehouse Group.

"In January 2021, in the midst of a global pandemic, I moved to Germany to start a development internship, as part of the international business development team in Germany, at FÖRCH. In the meantime. we also participated in global conferences: Global Changemakers, ASEM Youth Forum and ICAR6 and we talked about the benefits of international adoption ", said Alex. The young man is currently a member of the Board of Directors of New Adoption in New Zealand, a charity that helps raise awareness about adopted people and connects them to their homeland roots.

Coming to Romania to support international adoptions

The other day, Alex was in Brasov, being invited by the Aspire Romania Academy, which trains young professionals in the field of leadership, with the participation of global experts, such as Professor Steve Jarding, whose course management has twice been nominated for the Harvard Kennedy School's "Most Influential Course Award," and Professor Sam Potolicchio, voted "America's Best Professor," Director of Global and Personalized Education at Georgetown University. "All this was possible only because of the care and love that Alex received from his adoptive family, close friends and mentors who have accompanied him on his journey so far. For all these blessings, we bring Glory to the Lord! ”, The organizers transmitted. Alexander Kuch's success story - like hundreds of other such stories - is a plea for Romania to honor its commitments and give abandoned children a chance it doesn't want to no one from our country adopts them.