What's up with Sorina, the child whose adoption was mocked by Antena 3 and RTV, for a campaign of hate and manipulation. "He studies very well, plays the piano and violin, he has a concert on May 17"

3 May 2023

Sorina Săcărin, the little girl adopted a few years ago by a Romanian family from the USA despite the campaign of lies and hatred unleashed by Antena 3 and Romania TV, has become a happy and fulfilled young lady, who studies very well, plays the piano and violin and gives concerts. No one "stole" her "organs", as the little girl feared, in an abject and criminal way, the Şaramat family from Baia de Aramă, the one who had Sorina in foster care, a lie also supported by the televisions controlled by Dan Voiculescu and Sebastian Gosh.

In 2019, Antena 3 and Romania TV, but also B1 TV (through Sorina Matei, its employee at the time), launched a media lynching campaign, with the fight against the Justice and the prosecutors as its substrate. The lies spilled out of the studios drove the viewers crazy, on social networks reaching rumors such as the one that Sorina was kidnapped and that she is going to be ritually sacrificed or used as an organ donor. The two TV stations never paid for the crap said then.

Journalist Ioana Ene Dogioiu, one of the people who saved Sorina from the clutches of the foster carers who were exploiting her at the time, kept in touch with the girl's adoptive mother and constantly received news, films and photos with her.


Ioana Ene Dogioiu published photos of Sorina and her mother. We reproduce a few lines from the journalist's editorial, published on Spotmedia.ro .

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"(...) The family accused of brutally abducting the child from the loving family of the foster carers to subject her to who knows what curses, including organ harvesting for the future father, for the future sister, for I don't know what traffickers, for I don't know what obscure experiments of the pharmaceutical company whose employee Gabriel Sacarin would be, have been scaring me for almost 4 years, month after month photos, films, diplomas about Sorina's evolution.

The girl who left Romania, from the "paradise" of the foster carers, with a certain retardation in physical, emotional and, above all, educational development, is now, at 12 years old (recently turned), a flourishing teenager who recovered all the delays with the help of parents and the American support system.