The funds for the PAS scheme (Post Adoption Service) have been exhausted and the need is greater than ever!
13 March 2024

Many adopted children, youth and adults need help now!

Children, young people over 18 and adult adoptees have so far been able to get help via the PAS scheme at the Appeals Board. 

In recent months, the demand for PAS courses has been enormous. In 2023, over 600 PAS courses were completed, and the demand this year is still increasing, which can be attributed to the much mention of the adoption area in recent times.

Everyone agrees that it is very important that we support the adopted at a time when their identity is being questioned. Therefore, it also comes as a very big surprise to us that they do not have control over the funding for this very important PAS work.

No adoptee should be left alone and without the possibility of help.

We must secure the funding as soon as possible so that both the individual counseling and the discussion groups can continue to exist. The discussion groups are especially important at a time when the adoptees need to meet with other adoptees as well as a PAS adviser. It is a free space where they can turn the thoughts that are moving about e.g. identity and biological origin. And this very thing helps a lot of people, because it is difficult to talk to others about what is happening when you are questioned about who you are.

We therefore strongly urge that sufficient funds be immediately secured for this important area.  

Michael Paaske
Adoption & Society

The letter has been sent today, 13 March 2024, to the Social Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament and to the Minister of Social Affairs and Housing Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil!