Williams case has twist

11 December 2008

Williams case has twist
Events have taken a bizarre twist after The Star first published an article about Jose
Williams and his plight, in which the magistrate handling his daughter's case denied
that the infant had ever been the subject of any adoption proceedings and refused
to comment any further.
The Star had simultaneously also asked Abba Adoptions manager Katinka Pieterse
to confirm or deny that the magistrate in question, Sarie Snyman, had previously
travelled overseas with Abba. She declined to do so and suggested that "you follow
that up with her".
Snyman then wrote a letter to Williams' attorneys, which was also placed in Baby
T's court file, in which she stated: "Myself as commissioner has received
threatening phone calls from a Johannesburg newspaper, after I refused to give out
any information for publication regarding this matter. After this, I received constant
anonymous phone calls, which I experienced as threatening and most upsetting."
Snyman has refused to explain her claims to lawyers for The Star, which was the
only newspaper to write about Williams and his battle for his daughter. Nor has she
laid any charges related to the alleged threats. - Karyn Maughan