Milan Brglez


MEP Milan Brglez, S&D, Slovenia

Milan Brglez is a Slovenian political scientist, politician, and the former Speaker of the National Assembly of Slovenia. He has been serving as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) since 2019. He is a member of the Social Democrats, part of the Party of European Socialists.

Brglez graduated in political science at the Faculty of Social, Political Sciences and Journalism, University of Ljubljana, and completed his masters in International law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. He obtained his PhD in International Relations, specialising in theory of International Relations with thesis entitled “The Meaning of Non-Positivist Epistemological and Realist Ontological Assumptions for Theorising International Relations and International Relations Research Methodologies”.

In 2014, Brglez entered national politics when he joined the newly established Party of Miro Cerar (SMC, in 2015 renamed to Modern Centre Party). He served as vice president of the party. At the parliamentary election in July 2014, Brglez was elected to the National Assembly, where SMC won plurality with 36 out of 90 seats. On the 1st of August, he was elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly, thus succeeding Janko Veber of the Social Democrats. In the 2018 election Brglez was re-elected to the National Assembly with the SMC party. However following some disagreements with party officials, Brglez announced on the 26th of June 2018, that he had been expelled from the party. The official decision on his exlusion has still not been given to date. In November 2018, he joined the Social Democrats.

From 2018 to 2019 he was Deputy Chair of the Committee on European Union Affairs and a member of the Committee of Foreign Policy and Committee on Education, Science, Sport and Youth. Following the 2019 European election in May 2019, he became a Member of the European Parliament from Slovenia on the list of Social Democrats. He is a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, and substitute member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.


Title Publication date
Intergroup on Children's Rights 17 July 2024