Michaela Šojdrová


MEP Michaela Šojdrová, EPP, Czech Republic

Michaela Šojdrová is a Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group, CZ – KDU-ČSL) since 2014, currently serving in the Committee on Culture and Education and in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

During 2010-2014 Ms Šojdrová worked as Director of Department of External Relations at the Czech School Inspectorate and as Representative of the Ministry for Education, Youth and Sports to the OECD. Between 1996-2010 Michaela Šojdrová served as Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic representing Christian democrats (KDU-ČSL), holding the position of Vice-Chair of the Committee for Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sports.

Michaela Šojdrová has been awarded French “Order of Merit” for significant contribution to the Czech-French relations. Her life-long activities include various youth programmes such as scouting, volunteering, education and protection of children rights.


Title Publication date
Intergroup on Children's Rights 17 July 2024