PDBeH (Pessoas Desaparecidas Brasil e Holanda

The mission of PDBeH:

connecting adopted Brazilians with their birth families in Brazil and

Connecting Brazilian mothers with their child in the Netherlands.


As of January 17, 2017, PDBeH is a Foundation.

PDBeH has many contacts in Brazil. It is precisely through those contacts and certain search systems in Brazil that

We regularly manage to put adopted Brazilians in touch with their families in Brazil.


The more information from the adoption papers, the greater the chance that we will find the birth family.

No, unfortunately there is no guarantee.

 In short how it works
You are looking for your birth family in Brazil.
With this question you send an email to info@pdbeh.com
After examining the papers and payment (since February 1, 2024 € 50, -) everything is discussed and explained to a Brazilian executor. When a 'match' is found in Brazil, we will contact you, the client, again.
Then one of us will guide you through an introductory telephone conversation with your found family.
Thanks to your contribution we can continue to pay the fixed costs of the foundation such as: server, website and bank costs, maintenance of printers and laptops.
