Bastard Nation | I've been offline for a week due to another brand new computer breakdown

22 January 2025



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Bastard Nation | I've been offline for a week due to another brand new computer breakdown



Marley Greiner


  · snpordSetoac1 tr 9a603J760f8u500mm043 3lch1566ta21y5l3un2:a5  ·

I've been offline for a week due to another brand new computer breakdown. The second in a month. I am way behind in a lot of stuff, but I'm back now. I was also kicked off of FB for refusing to follow their community standards ha I have no idea what I did.) We received this Action Alert today regarding Virginia Please join us in supporting this bill. OI meed to revise lstyear's testimony, and here it is.

Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony in Support of HB550, January 18, 2024 | Bastard Nation

Bastard Nation Submitted Testimony in Support of HB550, January 18, 2024 | Bastard Nation

Bastard Nation: the Adoptee Rights Organization PO Box 4607 New Windsor, New York 12553-7845 614-795-6819 Submitted Testimony/Comments HB 550 Subcommittee on Health, Welfare, and Institutions Virginia House of Representatives January 18, ...


Jean Uhrich

sopeorStnd868g1i8h14lh7h9thiu7m3ttam0c5ma10t1hf0aaa0ghh17ml3  ·


HB 129 (Ward)

Adoption Records Access Amendments

House Reading Calendar:

Friday, January 31, 2025, THIRD READ, Item No 55

Floor Time: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

May be an image of ‎text that says "‎11:32 X 78% Utah UtahStat.. Stat... Scarch القات Se.tings Login UTAH STATE LEGISLATURE Concurrence Consent Time Certain 3rd Reading 00 on Liability Amendments 54 HB 117 Ivory, K. Sexual Abuse Statutes of Limitation Amendments 55. HB 129 Ward, R. Adoption Records Access Amendments 56. HB 297 Lisonbee, K.- Expungement Amendments 57. 1HB 40 Wilcox, R. School Safety Amendments 58. 1HB Gwynn, M. -Drug Trafficking Amendments Senate Bills‎"‎


All reactions:









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Cashew Brown

Is there someone we need to call or email about this? I was adopted in Utah.




Jean Uhrich replied


Kevin Crothers

sopeorStnd861a1i8:14uy6h9t i37a3t22m02nJa10 1hfraaa0ghh1 ml3  ·


So, I don't technically have an original, official document of my legal birth. Is Trumps ICE coming after me, next?



Marley Greiner


I think this is indeed something we need to concern ourselves with, but I don't have anything more solid at this time.




Travis Buster

For those of us put thru the adoption process more than 1 year after our birth, even the falsified birth certificates we have are not valid.

Source: USA passport office

May be an image of text




Marley Greiner replied


12 replies


Karen Patterson Stevens

Wait...this begs the question - where would we be deported to? Because, I think we should think that over, before we rule this completely out.




Sara Heslin Woods replied



Virginia Adoptee Rights Alliance

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HB 2093 is on track for a House floor vote on Monday, February 3rd.

Here is the info on how to contact the House of Delegates to share your support!

House to Vote on HB 2093 Monday! ✅

HB 2093 has been favorably referred from the House HHS Committee with a unanimous vote of 22-0 and is on it’s way to the full House of Delegates.