10 April 2013




Popi with sev­eral vil­lagers in Ram­bo­dawatta area.

Popi Royal with her birth mother, Lechchami

Popi and her boy friend Adam with her birth mother

Popi was only 32-days-old when she was given to her fos­ter par­ents.

Su­ranga Per­era (R) helped Popi im­mensely in her search of birth mother

Beau­ti­ful, 19-year-old Popi Royal’s life might have seemed per­fect to an out­sider. A law stu­dent at the Univer­sity of Manch­ester, she was brought up by lov­ing Bri­tish par­ents, Jenny and Cliff Royal. How­ever, there was one thing miss­ing in her life and her quest to find the miss­ing piece of her life, brought her all the way to Sri Lanka from the UK.

Beau­ti­ful, 19-year-old Popi Royal’s life might have seemed per­fect to an out­sider. A law stu­dent at the Univer­sity of Manch­ester, she was brought up by lov­ing Bri­tish par­ents, Jenny and Cliff Royal. How­ever, there was one thing miss­ing in her life and her quest to find the miss­ing piece of her life, brought her all the way to Sri Lanka from the UK.

She had al­ways been puz­zled by the colour of her skin. The ques­tion why her skin was dark while her par­ents, rel­a­tives and even her school friends had fair com­plex­ions al­ways nagged her mind. She had dis­cussed her con­cern with her boyfriend, Adam. De­ter­mined to find an­swers to her ques­tions she went to her par­ents. She in­quired about this from her par­ents, adding the is­sue of her skin-colour had al­ways both­ered her. Re­al­is­ing that it was not wise to keep Popi in the dark about her roots, her par­ents dis­closed the truth that she was adopted, along with the doc­u­ments re­lat­ing to her adop­tion.

She had al­ways been puz­zled by the colour of her skin. The ques­tion why her skin was dark while her par­ents, rel­a­tives and even her school friends had fair com­plex­ions al­ways nagged her mind. She had dis­cussed her con­cern with her boyfriend, Adam. De­ter­mined to find an­swers to her ques­tions she went to her par­ents. She in­quired about this from her par­ents, adding the is­sue of her skin-colour had al­ways both­ered her. Re­al­is­ing that it was not wise to keep Popi in the dark about her roots, her par­ents dis­closed the truth that she was adopted, along with the doc­u­ments re­lat­ing to her adop­tion.

She had al­ways been puz­zled by the colour of her skin. The ques­tion why her skin was dark while her par­ents, rel­a­tives and even her school friends had fair com­plex­ions al­ways nagged her mind. She had dis­cussed her con­cern with her boyfriend, Adam. De­ter­mined to find an­swers to her ques­tions she went to her par­ents. She in­quired about this from her par­ents, adding the is­sue of her skin-colour had al­ways both­ered her. Re­al­is­ing that it was not wise to keep Popi in the dark about her roots, her par­ents dis­closed the truth that she was adopted, along with the doc­u­ments re­lat­ing to her adop­tion.

Thus, it was re­vealed that baby Popi was given to a Bri­tish cou­ple who were on a va­ca­tion in the Ram­boda area in Nuwaraeliya, 19 years ago. Her birth mother, who was liv­ing in ex­treme poverty, had no choice but to give her up to the child­less Bri­tish cou­ple be­cause she couldn’t af­ford to bring her up.

Thus, it was re­vealed that baby Popi was given to a Bri­tish cou­ple who were on a va­ca­tion in the Ram­boda area in Nuwaraeliya, 19 years ago. Her birth mother, who was liv­ing in ex­treme poverty, had no choice but to give her up to the child­less Bri­tish cou­ple be­cause she couldn’t af­ford to bring her up.

Baby Popi had been given the name Kanchana in Sri Lanka. Glad that they fi­nally had a child to call their own, the young cou­ple took Kanchana back to their home­land where they named her Popi and gave her their sur­name, Royal. Treated no dif­fer­ent than their own child, Popi was given all the com­forts she wanted as well as un­con­di­tional love from her adop­tive par­ents.

Baby Popi had been given the name Kanchana in Sri Lanka. Glad that they fi­nally had a child to call their own, the young cou­ple took Kanchana back to their home­land where they named her Popi and gave her their sur­name, Royal. Treated no dif­fer­ent than their own child, Popi was given all the com­forts she wanted as well as un­con­di­tional love from her adop­tive par­ents.

Af­ter learn­ing the truth about her true roots from her tear­ful par­ents, Popi was de­ter­mined to find her birth mother whom she had not seen since she was a 32-day-old baby. Af­ter promis­ing her adop­tive par­ents that she would never for­get them, Popi set out to find her fam­ily in Sri Lanka, with the bless­ing of Jenny and Cliff. Her only clue to find­ing her birth par­ents was the adop­tion doc­u­ment and a pho­to­graph taken when she was handed over to her Bri­tish par­ents. How­ever, it was not go­ing to be an easy task lo­cat­ing a woman who had been pho­tographed 19 years ago.

Af­ter learn­ing the truth about her true roots from her tear­ful par­ents, Popi was de­ter­mined to find her birth mother whom she had not seen since she was a 32-day-old baby. Af­ter promis­ing her adop­tive par­ents that she would never for­get them, Popi set out to find her fam­ily in Sri Lanka, with the bless­ing of Jenny and Cliff. Her only clue to find­ing her birth par­ents was the adop­tion doc­u­ment and a pho­to­graph taken when she was handed over to her Bri­tish par­ents. How­ever, it was not go­ing to be an easy task lo­cat­ing a woman who had been pho­tographed 19 years ago.

An English lec­turer at the Per­adeniya Univer­sity, Su­mathy Si­va­mo­han and her ac­quain­tance Shashi Ku­mar helped Popi on her quest. Armed with the an­ti­quated photo, Shashi Ku­mar set out to Ram­bo­dawatta tea es­tates in search of Lechchami, Popi’s birth mother. He man­aged to find not just one, but 29 women with the name of Lechchami in this area, prov­ing the sheer dif­fi­culty of the task at hand.

Not giv­ing up on the search, Popi also came to Sri Lanka with her boyfriend Adam and two of her friends. While re­sid­ing in a ho­tel in Ne­gombo she met Su­ranga Per­era who was work­ing at the ho­tel. Su­ranga Per­era did a valu­able ser­vice by act­ing as the trans­la­tor and the co­or­di­na­tor of the search.

Fol­low­ing a lead, Popi and her group of helpers set out to Blue­fleet Tea Es­tate in Ram­bo­dawatta which they learnt was where Popi’s birth mother had worked. Fi­nally, af­ter 19 years Lechchami met her daugh­ter at the same place where she gave her up to the Bri­tish cou­ple.

Fol­low­ing a lead, Popi and her group of helpers set out to Blue­fleet Tea Es­tate in Ram­bo­dawatta which they learnt was where Popi’s birth mother had worked. Fi­nally, af­ter 19 years Lechchami met her daugh­ter at the same place where she gave her up to the Bri­tish cou­ple.

Thus, it was re­vealed that baby Popi was given to a Bri­tish cou­ple who were on a va­ca­tion in the Ram­boda area in Nuwaraeliya, 19 years ago Af­ter learn­ing the truth about her true roots from her tear­ful par­ents, Popi was de­ter­mined to find her birth mother whom she had not seen since she was a 32-day-old baby. Af­ter promis­ing her adop­tive par­ents that she would never for­get them, Popi set out to find her fam­ily in Sri Lanka

At this moment, tear­ful Lechchami hugged her daugh­ter who had grown up to be­come a beau­ti­ful and in­tel­li­gent young lady.

Even though lan­guage was a bar­rier to them, they both felt the spe­cial bond shared be­tween a mother and a daugh­ter.

Af­ter the emo­tional re­u­nion Popi Royal said that she felt like she had been re­born to this world when she saw her birth mother’s face.

Af­ter the emo­tional re­u­nion Popi Royal said that she felt like she had been re­born to this world when she saw her birth mother’s face.

Her birth mother, 48-year-old Kalingam Lechchami, ex­plained the cir­cum­stances that led her to give up her baby daugh­ter.

“I have three chil­dren and Kanchana (Popi) is the youngest,” she said. “While I was preg­nant with her, her fa­ther passed away. I be­came help­less af­ter that.”

“My two other chil­dren are also girls,” she added, try­ing to hide her tears. “Life had be­come ex­tremely dif­fi­cult for us. There­fore, af­ter con­tem­plat­ing on Kanchana’s fu­ture, I de­cided to give her to the Bri­tish cou­ple.”

She also said that she had re­ceived no news about her daugh­ter af­ter Popi was taken to Eng­land.

“I suf­fered a lot emo­tion­ally, think­ing about my youngest daugh­ter. I am very happy to have got­ten the chance to re­unite with her.”

Il­lus­trat­ing to the world the pow­er­ful bond be­tween a mother and daugh­ter, Popi had said that she would lov­ingly care for her birth mother.

Popi says she is ec­static that she now has not just one but two moth­ers to love her.

Even though lan­guage was a bar­rier to them, they both felt the spe­cial bond shared be­tween a mother and a daugh­ter

Ad­di­tional re­port­ing and pix by Su­ranga Ra­janayake from Gampola