Sri Lanka permits 100 adoptions for foreign applicants for 2025

3 February 2025

Foreign applicants who desire to adopt Sri Lankan children are required to forward their joint applications to the Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services

Every application for adoption of a child must be in conformity with the provisions of the Adoption of Children Ordinance (Chapter 6)

By Lakmal Sooriyagoda

The Minister of Women and Child Affairs has issued an Extraordinary Gazette notification limiting the number of adoption orders that may be made by all courts in Sri Lanka for foreign applicants during the calendar year 2025 to 100.  

The subject Minister, Saroja Savithri Paulraj, issued a Gazette notification under Paragraph (b)(i) of Subsection (5A) of Section 3 of the Adoption of Children Ordinance.  

According to Paragraph (b)(i) of Subsection (5A) of Section 3 of the Adoption of Children Ordinance, it states that the number of adoption orders that can be made in a calendar year for non-Sri Lankan applicants who are not resident or domiciled in Sri Lanka is limited and must be prescribed by regulation.  

Each year, the government issues a Gazette notification setting a limit on foreign adoptions, similar to the amount prescribed for this year.  

The adoption of children in Sri Lanka by foreigners is governed by the Adoption of Children Ordinance and involves a lengthy structured legal process to ensure the child’s welfare and compliance with Sri Lankan laws.  

Foreign applicants who desire to adopt Sri Lankan children are required to forward their joint applications to the Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services.  

Each of the applicants must be over the age of 25 years and not less than 21 years older than the child in respect of whom the application is made. They must apply through their country’s central adoption authority or a recognized adoption agency.  

All applications for adoption of a Sri Lankan child by persons not resident and domiciled in Sri Lanka shall be made to the District Court of Colombo and District Court of Colombo South or such other District Court as may be confirmed jurisdiction for such purpose by regulation which may be formed from time to time.  

Every application for adoption of a child must be in conformity with the provisions of the Adoption of Children Ordinance (Chapter 6) as amended and rules framed there under.  

The maximum number of adoptions that can be allowed during each calendar year will be gazetted by the subject Minister and the Sri Lankan Missions abroad will be kept informed every year of such ceiling.