Friends of Rwanda

The history of Friends of Rwanda, Inc.

Friends of Rwanda, Inc., whose objective is to raise awareness about the plight of children orphaned by the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda, was founded by a group of Rwandans and Americans. The organization is incorporated in the state of Tennessee.

At the end of the war, many children were left without parents, homes, and almost no hope for the futur. Many of these children are scattered in orphanages, or are being raised by a relative who has limited resources, or are left to struggle for survival on their own.

Since its inception, Friends of Rwanda, Inc. has been able to assist 19 children with scholarships. Eight of our students have graduated from high school. Our first graduate earned her diploma in November of 2002. She graduated from College (University) in 2007. She is currently working for an international consulting firm in Kigali. One more student will complete her high school in 2008. As we continue to find sponsors and donors the amount of scholarship recipients will continue to increase as the need is ever present.

The board of directors insists on maintaining objectives that are practical. Our results are quantifiable and verifiable. We can account for every penny of our supporters' contributions. We pride ourselves in assuring and proving to our supporters that 100% of their donations go to the children.

Friends of Rwanda, Inc. is registered as a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Number 17053027057024 and as a non profit organization (id# 0337439). Federal E.I.N No. 62-1771635. Friends of Rwanda, Inc. is also listed with Duns and Bradstreet (id# 039056606).