Certifying international adoption agencies



The Minister of Health and Social Services is responsible for certifying international adoption agencies. Certification is issued for one country at a time and may include conditions or restrictions. Valid for an initial period of two years, it may be renewed for a period of three years or less, if circumstances warrant.

Certifications Issued by the Health and Social Services Minister

Adoption internationale inc.
Ukraine (2006 04 01 to 2009 03 31)

L'Agence d'adoption africaine "Child of Mine"
Ghana (2008 04 23 to 2010 04 24)

Agence d'adoption les enfants du Mandé
Mali (2009 01 10 to 2012 01 11)
Niger (2007 09 11 to 2009 09 12)

Alliance des familles du Québec
Kazakhstan (2008 01 01 to 2011 01 02)
Kyrgyz Republic (2007 11 21 to 2009 11 22)

Appel inc.
Colombia (2007 08 15 to 2009 08 16)

Corporation accueillons un enfant
Haiti (2009 03 31 to 2012 04 01)

Enfants d'Orient, adoption et parrainage du Québec inc.
South Korea (2007 06 14 to 2009 06 15)
Taiwan (2007 05 15 to 2009 05 16)
Thailand (2007 05 30 to 2009 05 31)

Enfants du monde
China (2007 05 30 to 2009 05 31)
Vietnam (2008 09 17 to 2010 09 18)

Société d'adoption internationale un enfant heureux inc.
Ukraine (2007 12 28 to 2009 06 29)

Société d'adoption parents sans frontières
China (2007 06 21 to 2009 06 22)

Société d'adoption québécoise une grande famille
Russia (2006 07 29 to 2009 07 28)

Société formons une famille inc.
Cambodgia (2007 07 28 to 2010 07 29)
China (2007 06 11 to 2009 06 12)
Ethiopia (2008 02 22 to 2010 02 23)
Peru (2005 04 01 to 2008 04 01)
Philippines (2006 10 25 to 2009 10 24)
Vietnam (2008 10 02 to 2011 10 03)

Soleil des nations
Colombia (2007 06 07 to 2009 06 08)
Haiti (2007 06 07 to 2009 06 08)

TDH pour les enfants inc.
Honduras (2007 07 27 to 2009 07 28)
Moldavia (2006 09 20 to 2009 09 21)
Russia (2006 09 20 to 2009 09 21)
Ukraine (2007 03 31 to 2010 02 28)
Vietnam (2006 12 14 to 2009 12 23)