Quebec halts adoptions from India
5 May 2001

Quebec halts adoptions from India

Last Updated: Saturday, May 5, 2001 | 8:47 AM ET

CBC News



The agency that oversees international adoptions in Quebec has put a stop to adoptions from India.

Allegations of child trafficking have forced the closing of several orphanages operating in India. One of them is the orphanage the Quebec government dealt with.

India has always been open to international adoption. But it's only since last December that couples in Quebec have been able to adopt Indian children.

The company that provides the service is called Children of the World. It founded an orphanage, Bethany Home, in the province of Tandoor. The orphanage had the approval of India's Central Adoption Resource Agency.

Five couples have adopted already, 15 others have received a picture of the baby they are waiting for.

But Bethany Home is now closed, its director cannot be found. A suspected child smuggler in India listed Bethany Home as one of his clients.

Ginette Beaulne of the Quebec International Adoption Secretariat, says prospective parents are anxious. "It's a difficult situation. You don't know what's going to happen. You've seen the child, you've already started an attachment, and we know how difficult this can be," she said.

Beaulne says adoptions are suspended until the situation can be cleared up. "Until we know more ... we won't put other adoptive parents in a situation of being very worried."

Michel Mignacco of Children of the World defends Bethany Home and its director saying there was no need for her to pay for children. "There were so many children left on her balcony every day, every day there were abandoned children. An average of 10 per day."

Mignacco says the worried couples should have answers soon.

According to Beaulne the babies destined for Quebec have been placed in a foster home in India and are still available for adoption.
