Traffickers orphans in Romania ii tepuiesc on foreign pictures and presentations type Teleshopping

22 March 2006

After blocking international adoptions

Traffickers orphans in Romania ii tepuiesc on foreign pictures and presentations type Teleshopping
by Razvan Popa | 22 MARCH 2006

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After you have been a mere merchandise export traffickers, some children in Romanian orphanages are now used as a bait to give the foreign tepe. Infants have become targets for traffickers in flesh, and those of several years are presented in photos as a product of taraba. Pictures are used to cheat on occidentalii desperate to adopt a child. Usually, the amounts removed by a presentation of the market "are the order of several thousand dollars.

After 2005 - when the Romanian authorities have imposed a total blockade in the adoptions - traffickers have allegedly found that "port" through which to continue to "export" the Romanian children. M. and D. Bosshart are Swiss citizens. The two lived, recently, a Romanian nightmare. Swiss story begins in 2002.

Then, in Romania, at Giurgiu is born Baby Alexandra. Birth certificate bears the date 6 March 2002.

In that period in Romania was in force moratorium that international adoptions were blocked. After two months of the birth of little, the National Authority for Child Protection and Adoption of a file was submitted by a certain Dan Vasile Aurel. The person listed as president of the Romanian Association of New Family - organization "apartment" located in Pantelimon, but appears in a decision by the government as accredited on adoptions. Dan Vasile then wanted to adopt a child without a name or specify the place where it is located. In August 2002 - three months after submission of the dossier - Dan Vasile fixed "target" and mentions in the file name Alexandra. During this period - the law - a family from Switzerland arrive in Romania and has little contact with the school institution in the state! A visit to the home of Giurgiu, although Alexandra figure already in the care of foster care. Moreover, although there was consent of the mother, although the child was considered neadoptabil and in Romania was the "embargo" in terms of international adoptions, the "Romanian New Family" was not any classified or rejected! So it came as elvetienii believe that will become the adoptive parents of the daughter. The two were in love at first sight for little at the center of investment in Giurgiu. Received from insurance "Romanian New Family" that the problem will be solved. I even received some pictures. In the three images is presented as a little girl at the market - a person dressed in a robe (probably a nurse) looks like a child trophy. Il away from you like a product, such teleshopping. Assistance smiling, little girl is scared and looks dizzy. The images are professionally done, in the sense that the background there is any object that demaste location. These images have come to the family from Switzerland who started upgraded "room daughter. They arranged a vain, because no girl has arrived in Switzerland. A court upheld the request of Romanian families who wanted to Alexandra.

Elvetienii saying little for the adoption of Giurgiu paid 9,000 euros! "This child lives in our hearts and has left her room ready in all these four years," said elvetienii. Bosshart husbands complain: "I understand the situation, as long as we registered our request to Government in 2002 and have already paid 9000 USD to take on Alexandra. After several days elvetienii have never met the situation. That, especially for the "intermediary" in Romania had, again, about them and they proposed a new deal. This time, in a letter sent recently, Dan Aurelian Vasile them another child. He advised her Swiss family establish a domicile in Romania, to establish a company here, to "go 2-3 times in Romania" and "we will have custody of the child as soon as we get a permanent residence permit. Finally, elvetienii were warned that this "adoption" costs amounted to approximately 9.000-12.000 dollars. Elvetienii say they are not alone in this stage - several families in our country have started such efforts to adoption of a child from Romania. And all received pictures of "goods".

Aurel Dan Vasile, who represents the adoption of "Romanian New Family", is known in industry as a lawyer. Man, however, was not found in records Bucharest Bar. The company is "apartment" in Pantelimon neighborhood. And the association does not answer the phone no.

About the new attacks of traffickers of children Romanians, Romanian Adoptions Office (ORA) said that "they no longer have any chance, especially as legislation has changed recently, and supervises the situation closely." Secretary of State Teodora Bertzi, chief of TIME says more, that has sent the Prosecutor and the Ministry of Administration and Interior several cases in which there is suspicion of trafficking in children. "We work with the Prosecutor on the case, and if Alexandra seems a typical case of what happened in the past in Romania," stated Secretary of State - "Then there were situations in which foreign families were induced in error that would be able to adopt children from Romania in any conditions. That's because intermediaries have speculated carente certain period of moratorium. Confrom Teodora Bertzi, at this moment to insist that families adopt a child from Romania are informed on ORA current legal situation regarding the adoption institution. "I advise on foreign interest to the Romanian Office for Adoptions about the laws, than to go the hands of intermediaries," he said Teodora Bertzi.
razvan.popa @; 257668


Dupa blocarea adoptiilor internationale


Traficantii de orfani din Romania ii tepuiesc pe straini cu poze si prezentari tip teleshopping

de Razvan POPA | 22 MARTIE 2006



Dupa ce au fost o simpla marfa de export pentru traficanti, unii copii din orfelinatele romanesti sunt folositi acum pe post de momeala pentru dat tepe la straini. Nou-nascutii au devenit tinte pentru traficantii de carne vie, iar cei de cativa ani sunt prezentati, in fotografii, ca un produs de taraba. Pozele sunt folosite pentru a-i pacali pe occidentalii disperati sa adopte un copil. De regula, sumele scoase dupa o "prezentare de piata" sunt de ordinul a cateva mii de dolari.

Dupa 2005 - cand autoritatile romane au impus o blocada totala in sistemul adoptiilor - traficantii au pretins ca au gasit "portite" prin care sa continue "exportul" copiilor romani. M. si D. Bosshart sunt cetateni elvetieni. Cei doi au trait, de curand, un cosmar romanesc. Povestea elvetienilor incepe prin 2002.

Atunci, in Romania, la Giurgiu, se nastea micuta Alexandra. Certificatul de nastere poarta data de 6 martie 2002.

In acea perioada in Romania era in vigoare moratoriul prin care adoptiile internationale erau blocate. Dupa doua luni de la nasterea micutei,la Autoritatea Nationala pentru Protectia Copilului si Adoptie a fost depus un dosar de catre un anumit Dan Aurel Vasile. Persoana figureaza ca presedinte al Asociatiei Romanian New Family - organizatie "de apartament" situata in Pantelimon, dar care apare intr-o hotarare de guvern ca fiind acreditata pe adoptii. Dan Vasile dorea atunci adoptarea unui copil, fara sa precizeze numele sau locul in care se afla acesta. In august 2002 - la trei luni de la depunerea dosarului - Dan Vasile fixeaza "tinta" si mentioneaza in dosar numele Alexandrei. In aceasta perioada - contrar legislatiei - o familie din Elvetia ajunge in Romania si ia contact cu micuta internata in institutia statului! O viziteaza la caminul din Giurgiu, desi Alexandra deja figura in grija unor asistenti maternali. Mai mult, desi nu exista consimtamantul mamei, desi copilul fusese considerat drept neadoptabil, iar in Romania era perioada de "embargo" in ceea ce priveste adoptiile internationale, dosarul "Romanian New Family" nu a fost nici clasat si nici respins! Asa s-a ajuns ca elvetienii sa creada ca vor deveni parintii adoptivi ai fetitei. Cei doi s-au indragostit la prima vedere de micuta aflata la centrul de plasament din Giurgiu. Au primit asigurari de la "Romanian New Family" ca problema va fi rezolvata. Ba chiar au primit si cateva fotografii. In cele trei imagini, fetita este prezentata ca la piata - o persoana imbracata intr-un halat (probabil o asistenta) arata copilul ca pe un trofeu. Il tine la departare ca la o prezentare de produs, gen teleshopping. Asistenta zambeste, fetita e speriata si pare ametita. Imaginile sunt facute profesionist, in sensul in care pe fundal nu exista vreun obiect care sa demaste locatia. Aceste imagini au ajuns la familia din Elvetia care a inceput sa amenajeze "camera fiicei". Au amenajat-o degeaba, deoarece fetita nu a mai ajuns in Elvetia. Un tribunal a admis cererea unei familii de romani care o doreau pe Alexandra.

Elvetienii sustin ca pentru adoptarea micutei din Giurgiu au platit 9.000 de euro! "Acest copil traieste in inimile noastre si camera ei a ramas pregatita in toti acesti patru ani", spun elvetienii. Sotii Bosshart se plang: "Nu intelegem situatia, atata timp cat am inregistrat cererea noastra la Guvernul Romaniei in 2002 si am platit deja 9.000 USD pentru a o adopta pe Alexandra". In urma cu cateva zile, elvetienii nu au mai suportat situatia. Asta, mai ales pentru ca "intermediarul" din Romania luase, din nou, legatura cu ei si le propusese o noua afacere. De aceasta data, intr-o scrisoare trimisa de curand, Dan Aurelian Vasile le propunea un alt copil. El sfatuia familia elvetiana sa isi stabileasca un domiciliu in Romania, sa infiinteze o firma aici, sa "treaca de 2-3 ori prin Romania" si "vom avea custodia copilului imediat ce vom obtine permisul de sedere permanenta". In fine, elvetienii erau avertizati ca pentru aceasta "adoptie" "costurile se ridica la aproximativ 9.000-12.000 de dolari". Elvetienii mai spun ca nu sunt singurii in acest stadiu - "mai multe familii din tara noastra au inceput astfel de demersuri in vederea adoptiei unui copil din Romania". Si toti au primit fotografii cu "marfurile".

Dan Aurel Vasile, cel care reprezinta societatea de adoptii "Romanian New Family", este cunoscut "in bransa" ca avocat. Omul, insa, nu a fost de gasit in inregistrarile Baroului Bucuresti. Firma este "de apartament" in cartierul Pantelimon. Iar la telefonul asociatiei nu raspunde nimeni.

Despre noile atacuri ale traficantilor de copii romani, Oficiul Roman de Adoptii (ORA) spune ca "acestea nu mai au nicio sansa, mai ales ca legislatia s-a schimbat de curand, iar Oficiul supravegheaza atent situatia". Secretarul de stat Teodora Bertzi, seful ORA spune, mai mult, ca a trimis Parchetului si Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor mai multe cazuri in care exista suspiciuni de trafic de copii. "Colaboram cu Parchetul pe aceste spete, iar cazul Alexandrei mi se pare un caz tipic pentru ceea ce s-a intamplat, in trecut, in Romania", declara secretarul de stat - "Atunci au existat situatii in care familii straine erau induse in eroare ca ar fi putut sa adopte copii din Romania in orice conditii. Asta pentru ca intermediarii au speculat anumite carente din perioada moratoriului". Confrom Teodorei Bertzi, in acest moment familiile care insista sa adopte un copil din Romania sunt informate de ORA privind situatia juridica actuala in ceea ce priveste institutia adoptiei. "Ii sfatuim pe straini sa se intereseze la Oficiul Roman pentru Adoptii despre conditiile legale, decat sa mearga pe mana intermediarilor", a mai spus Teodora Bertzi.