Teen mom on hunger strike outside court to prevent son’s adoption

20 June 2009

Teen mom on hunger strike outside court to prevent son’s adoption


Ana Rita Leonardo gave birth to Martim at the age of 13 and, as she did not have the conditions to care for him, she handed him over to an institution. Recently, Cascais Family Court decided he should be adopted with urgency and so she has since staged a number of protests, the last being a hunger strike outside the Family Court.

The last time Ana Rita Leonardo saw her son was on December 20th 2008 at Aboim Ascenção refuge, and, after getting very distressed to see her leave, the Court decided she should not visit him anymore.

On May 21st she was informed he was to be adopted with urgency.

Since that date, family and friends have staged four separate protests, outside Cascais Court, Aboim Ascenção Refuge, Cascais Social Security and this week Cascais Family Court.

She decided to stage a hunger strike, for one day and one night, outside Cascais Family Court, hoping someone would tell her “why there is such urgency in adopting Martim.” Now 15 yearsold, she promises to go to wherever it takes to get her son back, saying he has a loving family waiting for him and he needn’t go anywhere else.

Ana Rita’s sister was also with her during the hunger strike, feeling disgusted by the Court’s decision, “because they didn’t even give Martim the chance to be at home with his family.” She also made a mass appeal “Please don’t adopt Martim. Give Rita a chance to prove she is a good mother.”

According to reports Cascais Family Court based their decision on the fact that Ana Leonardo had her child at 13 years of age and is herself from divorced parents. The judges alleged Ana’s mother, Martim’s grandmother, does not have the necessary conditions to support her family either, and that she suffers from depression.

It has now been six months since she last saw her son.

Edition: 1015