Same-sex adoption row brews

9 June 2009

Same-sex adoption row brews

Brian Robins

July 9, 2009

SAME-SEX couples should be allowed to adopt children, a State Government parliamentary inquiry has narrowly recommended.

The inquiry's chairwoman, Labor MP Christine Robertson, said same sex-parents should be assessed on the same terms as anyone else - on whether they were suitable to adopt a child.

She said the committee found reforming laws to allow same-sex adoptions would "ensure the best interests of children" were met, broadening the pool of applications from which the most appropriate parents for a child were selected.

Three members of the Legislative Council committee, including Ms Robertson, supported same-sex adoptions while three, including the Liberal MLC David Clarke, opposed. However, as chairwoman, Ms Robertson had the casting vote.

In supporting the recommendation, the committee handed the Government a political hot potato. The Government stepped back from stirring controversy yesterday, saying it would "thoroughly consider" the report before commenting further.

The ALP MLC Greg Donnelly, the Government whip in the upper house, opposed the adoption move. "The Government should not in any way seek to change the Adoption Act to provide for same-sex adoption," he said.

Besides Ms Robertson, same-sex adoption was supported by Amanda Fazio (ALP) and Sylvia Hale (Green). John Ajaka (Liberal) and Mr Donnelly opposed the move.

'Three supported, and the chairman's casting vote became the majority," said Mr Clarke. "I believe there is no mandate for the Government in this report.

Ms Hale said: "The law is an ass when it comes to same-sex adoption. They can foster a child but not adopt a child. A homosexual can adopt a child, but not a couple. "The Adoption Act is the last bastion of discrimination for gay and lesbian couples."

with AAP