NSW nears gay adoption

15 July 2009

NSW nears gay adoption

Written by Peter Hackney

Wednesday, 15 July 2009 13:34

The inquiry into same-sex adoption in NSW has handed down its findings, recommending that same-sex couples be allowed to adopt.

The NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice made the recommendation yesterday at the conclusion of the Adoption Practices in NSW Inquiry.

While the committee did not reach a unanimous decision, the Upper House investigation concluded that the definition of couple in the Adoption Act 2000 should be amended to include same-sex couples.

However, the 205 page report tabled yesterday recommended that faith-based adoption agencies be allowed to continue to discriminate against same-sex couples, provided that they refer the couples to other providers.

The NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (GLRL) backed the committee’s recommendations which, if endorsed by the State Government, could see legally sanctioned adoptions by same-sex couples in NSW from 2010. Presently, gay and lesbian people can only apply for adoption as individuals.

GLRL Co-Convenor Emily Gray called on the NSW Government to immediately implement the committee’s findings.

“We are delighted that the majority of the committee recognised the need to remove discrimination against same-sex couples and their children in adoption law,” she said.

“We call on the NSW Government to act immediately to remove this discrimination by amending the Adoption Act in line with previous same-sex reforms in NSW, elsewhere and overseas."

The Greens, too, called on the Rees Administration to implement the recommendations, declaring that they would help the government pass them into law.

“The Greens are ready to work with the government to ensure the quick passing of same-sex adoption legislation,” said NSW Greens Leader Lee Rhiannon.

“A combined vote of Labor and Greens MPs would assure the passage of such legislation through the Upper House.”