Adoptions moving along at Imagine

12 August 2009

Adoptions moving along at Imagine

570 News 2009-08-12 05:06

A lawyer involved in the Imagine Adoption bankruptcy says the adoptions are moving along, and the children are being taken care of.

Ted Giesbrecht volunteered his services to help stabilize the transition home in Ethiopia, and help families get their children home to Canada. He says if the home was not stabilized, the agency would have lost its licence here and in Ethiopia, which means the adoptions would not have happened.

Giesbrecht says the adoption of 17 children to 13 families has been completed and all but one of the families are already back in Canada. He says there are 19 families who's cases are being processed and 14 more files being reviewed by the High Commission in Ethiopia.

Giesbrecht says there are about 25 children still in the transition home and that they're being well taken care of. He says the facility is very high quality, with a high ratio of workers to children. He adds that there is enough funding to care for the children through September and October if needed, but most should be ready to come to Canada by the end of this month.
