Forum Joint Council Update: Program Child Permanency and Welfare

9 September 2009

Joint Council Update

Program Child Permanency and Welfare

Date September 9, 2009

Regarding Nepal

Dear Colleagues,

It is Joint Council's understanding that this week the last 18 of the first 24 prospective adoptive parents to receive referrals from Nepal received notice to travel.

The following represents Joint Council's current understanding on specific elements of the process:

When the government of Nepal issues the travel approval to adoption service provider for the prospective adoptive family, the Ministry, issues a letter which includes the following language:

I am pleased to inform you that on the consent given by Mr. (NAME) and Mrs. (NAME) to adopt (NAME) child, the Government of Nepal has decided to grant the said child as an adopted son/daughter to the said parents in accordance with the terms and conditions and Process for Granting Approval of Nepali Child by Allien 2065 (2008) and prevailing laws in adoptions.

You are now requested to completed the following formalities as soon as possible.

Pay US$ 2700/- to be credited to the Ministry account.

Produce the receipt of the payments of the amount US$5000/- or equivalent to the concerned Children's Home OR orphanage.

Proof of making available US$10,000/- to the concerned orphanage/Child Welfare Home, to which MOU was made, as the case may be.

The Ministry has given 60 days time for the families to come to Nepal and anyone who fails to come within this time, their adoption will be cancelled. At the same time, they have urged both the parents to come to Nepal and if not should present a power of attorney singed by Notary Public.

Further, it is Joint Council's understanding that a small number of U.S. prospective adoptive parents are currently in Nepal completing their adoption. For these and all future prospective adoptive parents, the ASP is asked to provide the Embassy with a document stating the date the family first became aware of the child and the date they first met the child.

After receipt of the above noted letter and prior to the filing of the I-600, the ASP should email the U.S. Embassy advising them of the following.

1. Date the PAPs first became aware of the child. This should be the date

the PAP received the referral documents;

2. Date the PAPs first met the child in country. This should be after receiving

the travel approval letter :

3. Statement of costs incurred by the PAPs in completing their adoption in Nepal.

The purpose of this disclosure is transparency in the adoption process and expeditious processing of cases at the Embassy.

Finally, with the recent appointment of the Minister and Assistant Minister , Joint Council is confident that the process will be more transparent and effective in its service to children in need of a permanent and safe family.

Joint Council will continue to publish updates as developments occur.