Zambian Adoption Program



We are pleased to offer our newest African program – ZAMBIA

Zambia is a beautiful country, rich with culture and history. Amidst its spectacular rivers and waterfalls, it is also a poor country, where thousands of orphaned children are in need of permanent loving homes.

The capital of The Republic of Zambia is Lusaka.  Zambia is located in southern Africa.  The neighbouring countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west.  The population of Zambia is approximately 11 million, with approximately 1.7 million people living in the capital city.

Zambian Adoption Program
The Zambian adoption program is open to both single female applicants, and married couples between the ages of 25 - 50 years old.

Once your Canadian dossier has been prepared and approved, your authenticated file will be forwarded to Zambia.  All adoption applications are reviewed, approved, and processed by The Department of Social Welfare (the adoption authority).

Once approved, the Department of Social Welfare will match a waiting child with the adoptive applicants. 

Upon the adoptive applicants approving the child proposal, the child will remain in foster care in Zambia for a mandatory period of 90 days.

At the end of the 90 day fostering period the adoptive applicants will travel to Zambia to attend the court finalization process.  If married, both adoptive applicants must attend the court hearing.

Following the court hearing the adoptive applicants will remain in Zambia for 2-3 weeks in order to obtain the new birth certificate, court decision, passport and Permanent Resident Visa. Once the visa has been issued the adoptive applicants and the child will travel home.

No follow up reports are required by the Zambian government at this time.

Our representative will pick adoptive applicants up from the airport in Lusaka and assist you in arranging your accommodations at a local guest house. You will be given a full day of sight-seeing which will assist you in learning about your child's heritage and birth place. It is important to take the time to learn about the culture and history of your child's birth place as this will enable you to better teach your child of their heritage as they grow and mature.