US Domestic Family Preservation


US Domestic Family Preservation

Ethica has partnered with social service organizations in two pilot cities to launch our Family Preservation initiative.

While there are many services available to parents who are affected by poverty and/or young age, if the parent(s) were considering adoption and then chose to keep their child, they often find themselves unprepared to do so.

Ethica believes that poverty, age and gender should not be, in and of themselves, reasons to place a child for adoption. Sometimes a mother and/or father just need a little help to get started.

At times, Ethica hears stories of parents who were transported to other states to give birth (usually states with “better” adoption laws, or laws that mostly benefit the adopting parents). If they choose to parent after giving birth, they are stranded in a strange state, without the support of family or friends. Generally, they cannot procure return transportation to their home state, and they lack supplies like a car seat, clothes, diapers, etc.

Even if they are not in a strange place, it is unlikely that they are prepared for parenting a newborn. They need help, quickly!

While relinquishment is never easy, we believe every family that makes the difficult choice to relinquish should do so with firm convictions. This is better for all members of the adoption triad. Ethica believes that the circumstances immediately following the birth of a child should not impact a woman’s choice to relinquish her child for adoption. If a woman finds herself reconsidering relinquishment, the deciding factor should not be whether she has a car seat to leave the hospital with or transportation to return to her home state.

We will be accepting referrals from other social service agencies in two pilot cities of families who had considered adoption for their child and then chose to parent. A case worker will be assigned to the family and their needs will be assessed and met to the best of our available resources. These needs could include:








Transportation to a location with more support

Assistance in finding other resources to assist

Our two pilot cities are: Tucson, AZ, and Houston, TX. As the program progresses, we will be accepting volunteers to run the program in other cites, as well. If you are interested in donating to the fund to help mothers and fathers who choose to parent, please click here:

If you are interested in volunteering to run the program in your city, please email us: