Blog: Gelgela Director in Canada

1 December 2009

On Saturday we went to a very special adoption gathering! Zeweditu Yashu, the director from the Gelgela Orphanage in Ethiopia came all the way to Canada to see all her babies!! Kumera was from this orphanage! There were about 20 children from her orphanage at this event. It was an incredible experience to meet her and for her to see and hold Kumera again! Kumera would have been only a few weeks old when he was in her orphanage before he went to the CAFAC foster home. We visited the orphanage when we were in Ethiopia, but we didn't get to meet Zeweditu because she wasn't there that day.

She doesn't speak English, so Selemneh was there to translate. Most families adopting from Ethiopia know who Selemneh is. For those who don't, he was the past travel coordinator for CAFAC Adoption Agency. (And he's also the one who appears in the book "There is No Me Without You".)

Zeweditu had a speech and said how happy she was to see all her children happy and healthy and with loving families! It was heartwarming! At the end she presented each child with a beautiful scarf from Ethiopia! Kumera wanted nothing to do with her or the scarf, so I hope he'll be glad to have been a part of this when he's older.

She was going to be travelling to Saskatchewan and Alberta to attend adoption gatherings there as well and to see more of her babies! It must be so exciting for her!
