Delay to adoption process measures

19 April 2010

Delay to adoption process measures


Northern Ireland health Minister, Michael McGimpsey

Monday April 19 2010

Legislation to improve adoptions in Northern Ireland will have to be abandoned because of a nine-month Executive delay, the Health Minister said.

Michael McGimpsey said he was "stunned and astonished" after measures to ensure the child's welfare were held up.

He had also planned to introduce a special guardianship order.

The Ulster Unionist Party member said Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) officials were saying the draft bill did not clearly set out policy proposals.

"I think that is something we should feel ashamed about," he said.

"I am now at the point where I don`t believe I have any time left in this Assembly to allow me to bring forward this legislation and I think that is a very sad reflection on this house in such an important matter that I am going to have to abandon the bill.

"I am however looking at other measures that I can bring forward without legislation.

"Organisations and interested parties as far as adoption is concerned will be scandalised."

Mr McGimpsey has been highly critical of the Executive on several occasions for constraining the amount he has to spend.

He said the adoption bill would have created a child welfare checklist, enshrined pre-adoption measures and ensured the child's welfare was paramount.

Press Association
