Bulgarians not to adopt orphans


Bulgarians not to adopt orphans

Already half a year waiting for an ordinance. However, such a long time Aliens


Nearly half a year already Bulgarians do not adopt children from orphanages in the country. The problem is not lack of candidates and lack of regulation.

With the renovation of the Family Code by mid-July for adoption of rules kids were radically changed. The new regulation addresses the Nashenci and foreigners who apply for parents of orphaned or abandoned Bulgarians.

The details of the procedure relating to aliens, however, are governed by an ordinance already in mid-September. Since the beginning of October and the Sofia City Court, in which will now go adoptions by foreigners, is prepared to act on these matters. So far as they occupied the district courts. Thus the procedure for adoptions by foreigners of the Bulgarians was interrupted only for a month and a half. But adoptions by Bulgarians still lack rules and those wishing to become parents of a child from a shelter can not even apply for it.

The new requirements provide each regional office of the Social Assistance Agency to keep a register of children for adoption and prospective adoptive parents in the region and to establish Council adoption. Council will decide which candidate is best for kids from the orphanage.

Records and councils are not prepared yet, because there is no ordinance that justice ministry should prepare, explained by the Agency for social support. Ordinance is ready, but waiting the opinion of the health ministry's medical records, which is described in a legislative act, said Antoinette Kalauska, head of Department of International Adoptions in the justice ministry.

For violating the interests of abandoned children for adoption new rules also warned the adoption of the Family Code, President Parvanov. He vetoed the law, but his motives were not taken into account and their deputies preglasuvaha original version.

The main criticism of the Head of State was that the revised Code does not allow for the adoption of a priority by the Bulgarians Bulgarian citizens. And then he was not even suspected that adoptions from Bulgaria will be

blocked for half a year

To request the President advocated and foreign diplomats - as the Swedish Ambassador Sten Ask. He asked if this way does not favor foreign interests, and declared that firms earn around 23,000 to 25,000 dollars per child adopted by a foreigner. According to data from international human rights organization Save the Children does 14-45000 dealers earn dollars.

But even when adopted waited ordinance that would regulate adoptions from Nashenci, foreigners will continue to be Privileged. The reason is that records of adoptions in the country will only lead to regional rather than national level. Candidate for adoptive example of Plovdiv will be entered in the list of Plovdiv office for social assistance and will seek only child from their homes in the region. If you ask specifically, his name may be registered in the records of other regions. However, children do not have a choice - their names will appear only in records of the Regional Directorate for Social Assistance. According to the head of state so the choice of Bulgarian adopters narrows and there are opportunities for more frequent adoptions abroad.

Apparently the secret intent of the changes is to have more children for adoption abroad. To be entered kid home from the list of children for full adoption, which may be adopted by foreigners, have three Bulgarians have refused to take it or not he is elected no suitable parent country. The list kept by the justice ministry and the national level. Naturally, when the Bulgarian parents are looking only within a region likely to be found suitable is much less than the national level. The greater the possibility of failures and candidates who will have less choice. It will remain so more kids for the national register of which will be offered for children of foreigners.

When the veto, the president reminded that the Law on Child Protection is provided for the establishment of a national register, which does not seem to be used for adoptions and unfortunately the code changes do not reflect the standards of protection reflected in this law. According to the head of state the relationship between the Family Code and the Law on Child Protection, which must be in sync is broken.

In the State Agency for Child Protection are convinced that the amended Family Code gives the best protection of the rights and interests of the child. He merely corruption and ensure that international adoption will be exhausted after only options here.

The changes in the code

tolerate the adoption of the Bulgarians by foreigners

but it is not in favor of children, says Galina Kubratova, child psychologist and chairman of the Foundation for Psychological Support. According to her country has enough childless families who are materially well-secured. Bulgarian adopters were very responsible, nobody is not taking children to lead them to dig in the bins.

Children adopted by foreigners, often have problems with adaptation, especially if they are adopted after age 5, says psychologist. In addition to language, they often had problems with food and time difference. Adopters of France, for example decide that a child is slowly evolving, if not his teachings go well in class and I sent him a stamp with doctors and medicines.

Another legal absurdity in the revised Code is that now the Bulgarians can not adopt children before the age of 1 year Kubratova considered. This, in an institution could be detrimental to the child's physical development.


Pick on the legal adoption of Bulgarians by foreigners was last year - 1119. By comparison, in 1997 the number was 459. By the middle of this year's interior ministry has issued 765 passports to overseas children adopted by foreigners. Expected this year to surpass last year's number.

Bulgaria is first in the list of supplier countries "to children, announced by the" Save the Children. Our country has the most kids adopted abroad in 1000 newborns.

For adoptions from Bulgaria has not yet led statistics. A country has about 200,000 childless families. But the fact is that Nashenci are pretentious and do not want to adopt children in their homes by minorities or with disabilities. While foreigners are often parents of sick children and romcheta. From 1119's children adopted last year by foreigners in 1004 were gypsies.

180 these institutions for orphans and abandoned children currently have 14,800 inhabitants. Until recently it was argued that they are more than 30,000 but this number includes children with disabilities who attend special schools, but actually live with their families.

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