Blog: Waiting - Ghana

11 March 2010

Posted at 01:53 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

March 11, 2010


In two months Donald and I will celebrate 12 years of marriage. The majority of those 12 years have been spent waiting for something . . .

First we waited to find out if we were pregnant. Then we waited for discouraging infertility results from doctor after doctor. Then we waited for our courageous birthmoms to find us, and we waited for each of our children to join our family through one miracle after another.

You would think by now I would be good at waiting, with all of the experience we have had.

Not so.

In fact, I fail miserably when it comes to patience. It's one of my greatest weaknesses. Just ask Donald :) Adoption is all about uncertainty and unpredictability. I am trying, but I'm failing . . . again.

I was really hoping to have been on a plane by now to see my little girl. Instead, I will be waiting for an indefinite amount of time until I can book that plane ticket.

In the mean time, I will be praying for that important piece of paper from the Ghanaian government, that says she is our daughter.

On a happier note, I did get to talk to Belinda last week. I learned that her favorite color is blue, her best friend at the orphanage is Abe, and that her favorite song is 'I Am a Child of God'.

P.S. This picture was taken by another Luckyhill mom back in November. This mom, along with 2 other moms, are currently in Ghana fighting to bring their kids home. I know they could use your prayers.

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