Jubilee Ministries Association

About The Jubilee Association : Overview The Jubilee Association was created as a non-profit organization in Romania to serve the Lord in ministry to the streetkids and outcasts of Romania. Located near Bucharest Romania, this ministry, though new organizationally, has a long history of working with the neglected and abused children from the streets of this region. Our primary goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ, and the good news of the salvation that He has made possible for them. In addition we want to see them educated, cared for, and prepared to live a "normal" life, hold a job and be able to care for a family. The girls we care for come from the streets. Oftentimes they ended up on the streets at a very young age. Children in Bucharest often find themselves cast to the streets at the ages of 10 and 11 years old. Their pasts can include prostitution, use of inhalant drugs (aurolac), physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Having lived on the streets or in abusive orphanages most of their lives, they have many difficulties dealing with normal life. The Jubilee Association offers approximately 35 girls a safe home to live in, clothing, food, and care. The Jubilee Association has been developed during 2007 and 2008 to pick up where previous missionaries left off. There are many needs in this work, and we are hopeful that the Lord might move your heart to become a partner in our ministry to the "least of these" in the form of prayer, goods, finances, or perhaps a short term missions assignment. The Jubilee Association has no denominational affiliation. We are an evangelical organization that espouses the fundamental principles of the Bible. You can read our Statement of Faith here

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Concern International Provided grant to Jubilee Ministries Association 2008 Jan 01


Title Publication date
Newsletter - Sue and Ron died 1 October 2008
Inasmuch Romania is now Jubilee 5 July 2008
Newsletter 2007 - Important changes July 2008

